Make all your Problems Melt Away | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

Make All Your Problems Melt Away ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council

JUL 1 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in the way a human being becomes enlightened there on Earth. We are interested in the process that must take place in order for this to happen. Many of you have heard of the idea of the death of the ego, the dark night of the soul, so to speak. Others who have had addictions recognize the power of hitting rock bottom, and many awakenings have occurred from the pit of despair, but it doesn’t have to go that way.

You don’t have to expect for your life to head in a downward spiral in order for you to attain enlightenment, and we are hoping that you choose to simply have the sound practices that you know it takes in order to open up to higher frequency energies and let yourselves be transformed by them. In other words, if you have a daily meditation practice, and if you are willing to look within at yourself to determine what it is that you need to change, then your enlightenment can be a gradual upward spiral that does not include any semblance of a pit of despair.

Now, which path you take is very much determined before you are born into your physical body, and we can recognize that. Different souls want to have different experiences and take different journeys, but all journeys are ultimately leading back to Source. And the sooner you recognize that, the sooner you amplify your desires to be more Source Energy-like. You all have the ability to sit every day and feel for what is infinite and eternal within you, and when you do, you get closer to our definition of enlightenment. Our definition of enlightenment is that moment when you realize that the light has always been within you, and it is Source.

It is unconditional love that drives your physical vehicle, that creates realities, and that you feel when you are operating as your best and highest self. Therefore, we recommend that you do go within at least once a day and feel for that infinite and eternal love that is the truth of who you are and the truth of what Source is. And if you do that, all the other problems that you have in your life will melt away. Part of the reason they will melt away is that you will stop thinking about them so much, and another part is that you will align with your creator being-hood.

You will start to create your reality with love, rather than anger, fear, or sadness. And that’s when things really start to change all around you, but more importantly, the change starts within you. And you can enjoy this life so much more when you realize that you are more than just a player, an actor within it. You are the creator of it, and you are creating it for your own benefit. You are creating it so that you can experience more of who you really are, and when you are enlightened, you see others as they really are as well. And that’s exciting, because that’s when the fun on Earth can really start.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Make all your Problems Melt Away | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton Make all your Problems Melt Away | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/01/2021 11:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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