Implant Communications: Addiction to Drama and Chaos | Sharon Stewart

Addiction To Drama And Chaos

This is going to be a two part video, today's and Friday's. Thank you.

FYI, sorry folks I've turned off commenting on my gofundme donations because I'm being stalked. I always appreciate your donations but I'm winding down on the channeling. I need to focus elsewhere for now. I can only feel compassion for someone who is so mind controlled that they should obsess about another person, but that doesn't mean I want him in my life. I don't.

My being stalked falls in line with the subject of this message: Those who run the matrix are trying to victimize me again and I won't allow it. I've been dealing with smelly archons while sleeping lately and this has stopped for now (Yes, demonics have a bad smell. What did you think they'd smell like? Roses? LOL. Apparently I can smell them but not see them. Good enough. We sent the stinkers packing the other night!) But their intention to re-involve me in their programming doesn't end there. It's at all levels, and you have to be aware of this. Physically, mentally, emotionally and astrally they have their minions out to try to ensure you stay in the Matrix. So you have to be wise to all of their tactics.

I threw a big chunk of black tourmaline under my bed. Maybe that will at least give them indigestion next time they come visiting.

The Matrix will always find Smiths to try to re-involve you in its programming again. These are typically, as Lisa Renee says, spiritually weak people who have done little inner work on themselves, and unfortunately they are more subject to mind control than those like myself who have worked diligently to extricate themselves from this programming. Ironically, it's these people who have the most to give to heal the collective, if they'd only stop blaming and start taking responsibility.

My thanks goes out to the men and women of this planet who have stalked and obsessed about others, and have overcome it. It's only artificial mind control programming, and it can be overcome by using your powerful mind as a weapon against it, if you want to see it that way.

When you get wise to the programs that Lisa Renee has described on her website and the ones Ivo and I are talking about when we talk about: my life as a victim, my tyrannical narcisstic father, and my narcissistic dark mother, you have the keys to the kingdom in your hands! Why? Because as Renee explains, the way to bring this world to its knees and control it was through manipulation of the parents. This brings about generational dysfunction and perpetual continuation of the cycles of abuse.

If your family hasn't experienced large amounts of abuse throughout past generations, may I suggest that perhaps they are compliant. It's the fighters that get attacked more, not the ones who tow the line and hold the status quo. But watch, when you step out of line, all the smiths in your family tree will notice and try to get you back in compliance. That's why you should never fall for anyone who calls you crazy, silly, paranoid or whatever else we lightworkers hear from those who are unawakened. They're trying to victimize you, and this is programming.

It's not for nothing I'm shadow banned, folks. But I know many of you are looking for intel that you can pass on to others but aren't doing the work on yourselves. That's too bad because you're missing the whole point. The point is, you have to be familiar with archontic mind control programming to be able to see it coming at you and if you've never experienced being victimized, you might fall prey to their agenda.

Some people call it bullying. How much bullying do we see in the school yard? It starts young. They have us programmed by the time we're seven, in fact.

I was reminded, this isn't really an addiction – although it appears to be such – it's mind control programming.

Lisa Renee is a sixth dimensional Indigo walk-in who remembers her lives in the galaxy. She has written a body of work in staggering detail. She has gone into detail about artificial mind control programming that is being run on us, and what it seeks to do. This mind control programming, as she states, has created a “death culture” of our world, where hatred, fear and war are common. This is not the true state of a human, as Ivo has said, and it is definitely not how we function at our very best. That's the purpose, of course, to enslave us as powerless barely functioning human beings who are easy to manipulate and to control.

I've taken excerpts from Lisa's website in order to try to make clear what programs they're running on us. Ivo and I have gone into detail about how to stop being a victim of this programming, and many of you aren't watching our videos, which is a pity because you're the ones still enacting the death culture, hating on others and enacting Draconian egotistical behaviours.

There is no such thing as emotional illness – it's all about fighting mind control. All of it. Emotional illness is explainable when you look at the negative archetypes they have insinuated into the mind control programming that they perpetrate upon us.

What they are focused on is destroying the Divine Father and Mother behaviours within us. In doing so, in creating tyrannical fathers and dark mothers (like mine were) they know they can destabilize and control the entirety of humanity. Again, I see questions about child abuse, irrational parents and crazy family members. This video explains everything.

They are mind controlled. This has been going on for a long time. That's why people are suffering and addicted to drama and chaos.

Lisa Renee, from Ascension Glossary:

“The goal of the invading entities which brought on the Lyran Wars, was to destroy access between the Universal Gates, Lyran Gates and Andromeda, to prevent any metaterrestrial Founder races from gaining access into the Milky Way system, and preventing the future seedings and incarnations of the Christos Founder Races DNA. But soon the Lyran Wars spread to the constellation of Orion and through the Metagalactic Core, where it became a war with those who wanted to dominate others in this system based upon the Victim-Victimizer fear-based mind-sets. This can also be called archetypal Enemy Patterning. Entities with the Service to Self ideology were attempting to enslave or eliminate those who followed the Law of One, with the ideology of Service to Others that held love-based mind sets. - And of course this is what the benevolent extraterrestrials, like Ivo, are trying to reinstate within our minds – Law of One values.

This extreme polarity consciousness was amplified due to the AI levels of programming used to weaponize attacks against multiple other species. The Bourgha from the black hole system inserted this virus with AI programming into our matrix creating a time rip with technology called Victim-Victimizer software. (This means there is a virus in our matrix, they created a program with it to enslave us!)

The main goal of the Victim-Victimizer mind control and software is based on Divide and Conquer Tactics and intentionally programming humanity to think thoughts of violence and hatred about others to promote the Archontic Deception Behaviors and their unethical AD Strategies as a fear based control belief system. - You see this now with B Lives Matter, Anty Fab, even the guy who was supposed to be an A-nun who raided the white house on January 6th. They are trying to get the public to hate A-nuns by lying about us.

As long as humans think thoughts and maintain belief systems of the Predator Mind, and feed into the alien software programs, they create victims and victimizers and spread more hatred and violence into the earth grids. Humans exchange roles between acting as the archetypal victim, and then because they do not want to be a victim anymore, they switch their role to become a victimizer. Both are forms of perpetuating inner and/or outer violence.”

I watch my neighbours do this all the time. They're tapped into the programming, totally mind controlled and ready to start fights with the neighbours on the other side at the drop of a hat. Something written down, someone made some noise the other family didn't like, garbage here or there, something stolen, cameras on the lawn... it doesn't matter, they just keep acting out the software programming. I just sit there trying to teach them temperance and patience but they keep aggressing against each other. I'm glad I'm moving away soon.

When you understand in detail the programming they're running on us, you'll automatically know what's fake and what's real. Study Lisa's website and you'll get it. It's not that hard.

Victimizer Programming

Lisa Renee says:

“Victim-Victimizer or VV programming, the unfortunate result is that unstable people that have not done much mental or emotional clearing, have built up hidden pain and trauma, that are easily controlled and manipulated by dark forces to play out their fears in the 2D or lower mind. These kind of people go unconscious and flip out very easily, are very weak spiritually, have low Impulse Control and are at high risk for dark portal use or Possession.”

This means if you're not doing your inner work, you're easily manipulated by the system. If you're not looking at yourself but blaming everyone else, you're enacting the Victimizer programming. Looking for someone to blame puts you in the victimizer position, and when a victim and a victimizer do their dance, they switch positions all the time, but in the end they're both trapped in the web. Until they stop being a victim, they will never leave the web of this programming.

I watch my neighbours do it all the time. It's interesting but I see how stuck they are. Feeling victimized, feeling angry at someone the other, which makes them the victimizer. This programming is insidious. You have to be careful of it all the time. I get pinged almost daily and have to look at where I still have old wounds that needs healing. It's the only way out of it. Ivo says doing chakra rebalancing every day also helps reduce the amount of work to be done.

Not surprisingly, thinking that way, they have many opportunities to continue their life of victimization. It's what you attract. This is what Renee is saying about “feeding your energy into the artificial system”. That's how you do it.

The irony is, you can use this programming to your advantage. You can use it to heal old wounds. It'll show you where they are.

Sexual Misery Programming

The companion Mind Control software with the Sexual Misery program is the Victim-Victimizer program which is a Divide and Conquer strategy. These two software programs are used interchangeably through the NRG hardware.

However, the Victimizer program is that which propagates an enforcement vehicle for the predator forces of the Imposter Spirit to work through, as this is what enforces Archontic Deception Behavior and other NAA Mind Control programming in the masses, such as the Sexual Misery program. - Sexual misery programming is a program run on anyone who is either trapped in a relationship they're unhappy with, or one who is sexually exploited, or rape would also be part of this programming.

Controller Programs

Controller Programs is a term used to describe multiple layers of Victimizer Mind Control software that are used to psychologically and emotionally program humanity to think thoughts of violence and hatred in order to believe the Archontic Deception Behaviors fear based control belief systems as a normal way of life on earth. Through the intentional Psycho-Spiritual Warfare made against the minds of the human population, the population is made subservient to follow the NAA masking as the False King of Tyranny and Power Elite.

Controller programs, in other words, are used to mask or hide the negative alien alliance's presence on earth and their intentions to overtake our world and live in modified bodies that appear to be human. They want to have our personal super powers yet retain their lower dimensional values. They have convinced so many that what we have here is a normal way of life for a human. That's why they don't want people like Ivo coming around and telling you otherwise. Because it will blow the whole lid off of their ruse. That's why Ivo and I are so shadow banned.

The three main Controller Programs that are transmitted into the earth population:
  • Armageddon Software
  • Sexual Misery
  • Victim-Victimizer
Armageddon Software primary target is to destroy the Mother Principle through the gradual destruction of the earth, and destroy the personal will of the third Chakra and Conscious Mind in the masses on the earth. Through purposeful instigation of terrorism, and making threats of cataclysm and Pestilence (disease) in the mass media, this keeps the population in fear of outside threats, submission and supports the NAA military war program. - You see this going on now with the Covid programming. The way not to allow yourself to fall victim to it is not to fear the virus or anything else that the so called Elite (Deep State) does to enslave you to this programming. As for the NAA military war program, there is also an Alliance military to fight them.

If you are sighing a sigh of relief, thanking God they're going to save us, this is because you are reacting to this victimizer programming. You think your mind is free, but it's not. Lisa Renee says in that last paragraph that the Armageddon Software's primary target is to destroy the personal will of the third chakra and conscious mind in the masses. If you're waiting to be rescued, and this is what this amounts to, you're as victimized as the sheep you keep making fun of. There are levels of enslavement – yours just appears to be preferable to others' around you, but it's not. Your personal will is still enslaved to the matrix if you are waiting for everyone else to do the work.

I say, "What are you waiting for?" Do something now. Do anything to better this world. Take your pick. So many complain about what's wrong, so why don't you start to fix it? Or haven't you realized yet that complaining is part of being a victim, and part of that programming being run to control your mind?

It's all artificial programming, folks. And it registers in your lower mind because your lower mind acts on the same frequencies as this mind control. Do you think they don't know that? The reason technology on the surface is so far behind their technology is because they don't want us knowing what they're up to. And they don't want us to be able to deal with it. Well, there is a way to deal with it – through our stronger minds!

Sexual Misery Software primary target is to destroy the unity and sexual health of the male and female, by splitting apart the sexual energies and promoting sexual distortions, sexual traumas and sexual misery programs. This is designed to ultimately destroy the inner Christos-Sophia and the sacred union principle of unity. It is aimed at the second Chakra and designed to increase the Pain Body in the human population. When a person is in incredible turmoil and pain, they are easily controlled and possessed.

Victim-Victimizer Software primary target is to destroy the Father principle through the fear programs designed to keep humans in primitive survival consciousness to remain enslaved in the Frequency Fence. It is aimed at the first Chakra and impacts the Unconscious Mind. When humans are afraid of God, they easily submit to the False King of Tyranny promoted in the religions by the False Alien Gods.

The takeaway on this is:

-Your mind is responding to computer inputs,

- Your daily life is controlled by a giant computer until you free yourself,

- This computer has it in for you, it hates you and wants you to die.

- You can fight it by taking your mind back, as a matter of fact many of you came here to do just that.

Why do you think the Light forces installed another computer? The QFS, the quantum computer? To deal with their super computer. Only ours is better. Again, don't breathe a sigh of relief because you think you're going to be rescued.

You're not going to be rescued. Being rescued is only something someone who's on the victim triangle and the victim/victimizer software programming can do. Benevolent ETs can't rescue you because they're not victims, they're not victimizers, and so they're not rescuers. This is a construction of the archontic programs and mind control. They are the victimizers.

If you believe that the benevolent ETs are going to rescue you, you are influenced by archontic mind control and not seeing it realistically. Don't think they don't know how to trick us, they do. They've stitched us up pretty good.

Benevolent ETs are personally responsible, of service to others and to God. Until you stop fearing, stop allowing archon mind control to dominate your thoughts, you're never going to understand the way benevolent Ets think, and how they plan on liberating the planet. That's why I always say “liberate” instead of rescue us. They can't rescue us. It would impinge upon our free will. You can make a choice right now – for freedom or further enslavement. It's up to you.

The only way for you is for your to free yourself from mind control. Then you can choose for the Light. Otherwise you will remain on the artificial timelines, supporting a system that hates you. Is that what you want? (Thank you Ivo, I couldn't have thought of that myself).

Ivo: You are welcome, my love.

Me: Did I get good marks for this?

Ivo: Yes, one hundred percent, my love.

Ashtar Sheran has told us that what's coming is a way for people to rebalance their root, sacral and solar plexus chakras and ultimately to open the heart. It will be done as a collective. Monies given to you, tax breaks, funding, etc. is root chakra issue. Child abuse is a second chakra issue, well that's pedogate. The reveal will shock the world but it will give you a chance to rebalance your sacral chakra. Third chakra issue is power, so now we have ongoing warring still. The dark versus the light. When that warring stops you will be able to decide how you feel about it, and you will pick your timeline.

Gaia's chakras need rebalancing as well. Her heart is at Glastonbury Tor.

I'm almost thinking that what everyone is experiencing has to do with the imbalance of their own chakras or that of their sub-collective, which would be their country. Yes, countries have karma. So if your country looks nuts then maybe it's got some hefty karma it's rebalancing. If it's looking better than most, then maybe not. And if you're thinking, “So why am I here then? I'm a good person!” you're there because you're holding the light and helping to balance it to the positive. So give it a bit more effort please. It's not all up to you so call on your friends here and in the galaxy to help you do your work. Get a group going. This week Archangel Michael will focus on releasing Australia again.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Limited Time Only! Ivo and Sharon will answer your questions: Past life, this life, who are your ET guides, what's your mission, and more. Questions about why you're here. For inquiries: message Sharon on Facebook, Mewe or Twitter.
Implant Communications: Addiction to Drama and Chaos | Sharon Stewart Implant Communications: Addiction to Drama and Chaos | Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/28/2021 11:01:00 PM Rating: 5

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