By Steve Beckow, July 13, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
OK, now my curiosity is seriously whetted.
Yes, I’m waiting for Trump to return, the Reval, NESARA, etc., but Earth can wait. Heaven can’t.
I have a strong suspicion that the Company of Heaven does not take someone this far and leave them.
But is that not the very definition of a “dark night of the soul”? Complete abandonment, deprivation of the senses, etc.?
Still I don’t think this generation needs to go through as much penance as St. John of the Cross and his contemporaries felt they needed to.
I’m sure my guides have the next chapter all planned out.
But while I’m waiting to see what it is, I need to remark on what seems to me to be my own changed situation.
I’m so detached from the things of the world these days that research becomes difficult. But I’ll do my best.
I’m not in Stillpoint at the moment. But, as Michael informs us, each time we have an experience like this, a small part of it remains:
Archangel Michael: You have experienced progressively, periods of unity, of transformative love, of ecstasy, of bliss that you feel (and I emphasize feel) … comes and goes.
But every time, you have had this experience it has edged you up a level. So that now you say to me, “Michael, I feel like I have a new baseline. I have a new foundation of happiness.”
Think of how every time you especially enter the transformative love, that is a snap. It is not the full dramatic snap but it is a snap. Each time you are progressing up what you can think of as a level.
Think of [entering into] your [consciousness of] love as flying back and forth through the portal. Now sometimes you’re aware and sometimes you’re asleep. (1)
There are so many pieces that are falling into place as I read his messages now. Residual impact, flying back and forth through the portals, snaps – all making sense now. Future proves past.
I’m not somehow physically flying back and forth through anything. My consciousness, like a radio dial, is turning more and more to higher-dimensional channels and then back to this one, etc. I’m “travelling” from one state of consciousness to another.
Residual impact, new baseline, up a level – of course that’s what’s transpiring on this sudden/gradual journey of Ascension. Interims of assimilation, integration, and preparation are followed by what he calls “snaps” or sudden, uplifting discontinuities in experience, like detachment and Stillpoint were for me. Or bliss or peace.
Since the event on July 10, I’ve asked myself what Stillpoint is. No matter how hard I tried to use the word “higher,” I could not feel its relevance.
Then I tried the word “deeper” and it fit with my inner sense. You recall I felt myself expanding inside on June 7, 2021, until I was as big as a cavern or grotto.
Since I equate depth with expansion, let me introduce some things Michael has said to me on the latter subject. And perhaps you could hear them as applying to you as well.
Michael said in 2016, “We want you to expand.” (2)
AAM: You are simply growing into your expansion. That is really the substance of it. You are on a very fast track of expansion and that is why you are also experiencing the flare-ups, the ignitions. But as you do so with each ignition you will also feel a greater sense of substance of who you really are. It is true of the collective. (3)
AAM: This has all been bringing you to an expanded sense of self and an expanded sense of not only how we operate but how the collective operates. (4)
All the Company of Heaven needed to do with me was give me an experience of detachment and I immediately felt confident, competent, etc. Their assistance, their bestowing of energy on me is what is going to allow me to do the jobs ahead. I know that now with a sense of certainty as a result of what has occurred since June 6.
Stillpoint was depth, which translates for me into expansion. They want me – and you, if you’re a lightworker pathfinder – to go through this process of expansion.
Why do they want us to expand? Let me go into that in more depth tomorrow (pun intended).
(1) “Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/06/archangel-michael-on-snaps-expansion-and-ascension/.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon on Sept. 23, 2016.
(3) Ibid., May 6, 2013.
(4) “Archangel Michael on Snaps,” ibid.
Impacts, Portals, and Expansion | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/13/2021 10:52:00 AM