Today I felt strongly to write to all. I write to all I can reach. I do not know exactly what the coming days and months will bring but I do know that it is very significantly profound.
LIGHT LOVE must always prevail for it is what LIFE is all about and always was and will forever be.
I have always since a little girl communicated with Angels and Archangels, Mother Mary and Jesus Christ. God.
People place so much emphases on how we ought to pray and how to spell things or what exactly Jesus Christ Name is or was or ought to be.
What matters is what resonates with your hearts that is for the highest good of both life, the planet and yourselves. When it is done with the utmost love and respect and pure intent, LOVE always flows and permeates throughout all life that is true and holy and pure and of love and light. It will flow like flowing waters.
I have always prayed in my own special way and not in the way religion or schools or anyone tried to tell me how to pray. But in the way my heart has always resonated with, the depths of my soul moved by the heart soul words that come from my own truth.
I have studied the Our Father Prayer and I am aware of the number of different versions that have been translated over the years. So it is not my place to dictate or tell you what is right or wrong. You know that already in your hearts. What I ask is say a prayer, no matter how you say it as long as it is for the highest good of all and your soul.
We are at a Sacred time in life where we are now ready for something greater. And it requires all the strength we can induce.
The art above is something I grew up with. I loved it with all of my heart and soul. It was in the family home for over 40 years. More than that. It depicts Jesus Christ “asking that the Father would see to it that He would successfully complete the mission for which He came to this Earth”. For me it was also finding peace and serenity in the midst of chaos. It was finding clarity and calmness in the midst of changes. It was finding gratitude and love in the midst of joy. It was my sanctuary. That art was so special to my soul.
With so much going on worldwide, many of us find ourselves having to make greater changes in lives. I see those that have had to flee from their sacred homes, wherever in the country that is. I have seen the heartache and pain and I fully grasp the enormity of what is happening world wide. I might not fully understand but I know that which helps me see clearer.
Find time alone, find time in silence, find time uniting to truly, truly realise the importance of this change. It is very significant and one that is so sacred to Life.
Remember ancient times there were no language and what is being utilised today for all sort of reasons, all it requires is to claim back that power of what a symbol or word truly was always intended for. When we infuse the pure love and light into that which was abused and misused, it is remarkable the miracles that can occur. So say it with all of your heart and soul, full of love what resonates with your heart and soul. Speak it out loud, say it in silence, simply connect with your heart-soul.
Lots of Love Para xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Para Kas-Vetter
*"Philosophia" *Writer *Oracle *Spiritual *Creative
Sòlance Voyage Gallery
‘Sacred Whispers’ ‘Sacred Journey’ ‘Spiritual Quest’
A Pilgrimage to Unlock the Sacredness of Life.

I Pray... | Para Kas-Vetter
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/21/2021 07:11:00 AM