Heaven-Bound | Heavenletters #598

Heaven-Bound | Heavenletters

JUL 10 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

You are all Moses in the bulrushes. You floated down a river, and rightful strangers took you in and made you their own. But you do not feel that you quite belong in this strange country with these strange people.

You would go back upstream to find your origin, if only you knew how. Sometimes you feel that it is a mistake altogether that you are on earth, and you want to go back where you started. You feel adrift. In that sense, We can say that all of My children are adopted.

Knowingly or not, you have been searching for your heritage. You may have been earth-borne but you are Heaven-bound. You look for your return ticket.

Sometimes it seems to you that another stranger, such as Myself, arises to tell you that you are His, and you may feel as foreign to Me as anyone else.

Sometimes you are not comfortable with yourself.

You do not recognize yourself, and you do not recognize anyone else.

But you are recognizable.

You were not abandoned, and you are not lost. It is not a mistake that you are located where you are. You just don’t know where you are.

You carry Heaven with you. That natural state is yours. You can’t leave it. The particular spot you find yourself in is closer to Home than you have allowed yourself to think.

You are universal.

You seek for Oneness at the same time as you insist on being alone.

You hold yourself back from all of Humanity and your true residence in Heaven.

You pace up and down the surface of life. And you count your paces. You feel you have traveled so far, and yet you feel your travels have not gotten you anywhere. You have been circling the outskirts. You have run around the circumference without entering the circle. You haven’t dared to.

You want to find your Source, at the same time as you don’t want to. You advise yourself to leave sleeping dogs lie. You advise yourself to lay low, out of sight and out of hearing. But you only hide yourself from yourself, and it’s your own ears you put your hands over.

You cannot hide from Me. That is a good thing. That means you were never lost, your location always known. In that sense, you are found. I never lost sight of you, and I am within hearing. Take your hands off your ears, and listen for Me.

I would tell you Our story, and I would have you hear it. No longer turn a deaf ear to Me. I am talking to you.

Ignoring Me is your ignorance.

I am the Seat of your heart. I am seated there. My song reverberates everywhere. Because you do not hear does not mean that the music does not play. It plays and never stops, and it plays for you.

Sometimes you hear My song a little, but perhaps only as Muzak that you might hear in an elevator. Or you hear My song as background music, and you pay no attention to it. You do not know your heart. You do not or will not hear the music in your ears.

And yet sometimes you find yourself humming the tune you did not acknowledge you heard. What you have thought was at a great distance is close at hand.

You begin to remember that We are Partners, that yours is no solo flight, that, despite your ramblings, you are intimately located in Heaven.

Now you will discover that you have never left Me, and you will know your true identity. It is My Will that you know it.

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Heaven-Bound | Heavenletters #598 Heaven-Bound | Heavenletters #598 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/10/2021 10:08:00 AM Rating: 5

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