(Golden Age of Gaia)
My heart goes out to my fellow country men and women who truly have been through such a lot in the last week.
The scale of what happened, has been unprecedented in South Africa, and indeed it shows the exploitation of the extremely poor and a deep brain washing, which turned into tragedy, in the midst of the deaths already occurring because of the dreaded disease, and the whole of Gauteng being quarantined.
Yet, in many ways, all of the tragedy has turned in triumph, as the Rainbow Nation gathered together, as one, and started fighting back, as ONE – more than this the hearts opened as never before, and they indeed assisted each other, helped each other, and cleaned up the incredible mess and devastation, left by those who looted, burnt and indeed tore down whole shopping centers, and indeed emptied warehouses.
Worst hit were Kwa-Zulu/Natal and Gauteng.
I have grown up between the Zulus, and indeed, I have a great respect for my fellow countrymen and women, having lived in Zululand, and remembering how I used to fall asleep at night, with the sounds of their singing and the drums echoing through the night. To me this was comforting, and the sound of Africa.
Singing, music and drums, as much as dancing is in their veins, their very blood.
There is nothing like it, when the Zulus sing: – they naturally harmonize, and their singing has often brought tears to my eyes.
The remembrance, of sitting with them, in their Mission churches, and how they managed to create their own versions of the Lutheran hymns and indeed make them sound as if the angels were singing.
Indeed, as a group we once went with one of my uncles, who was a missionary, and then had to hike on foot, for there were no roads, into the deepest part of the Zululand, were we were welcomed, first by the Prayer Women. These women went from Kraal to Kraal, praying for the people. It became a way of life. Then, when we reached the Kraal, we had to wait at the entrance for the Induna (the headman), to come and welcome us. We were led to one of the Round huts, where we were asked to be seated – the women on the floor (as is Zulu custom) and the men on the chairs. We prayed and sang together, and then they had cooked a huge meal for all of us – even though they had truly little! The pudding consisted of thick slices of bread, covered in butter – they had to indeed walk 5 kilometers to nearest store to purchase the bread! I will never forget the hospitality and loving hearts of these people, for if you can pray and sing together, you cannot fight each other.
We had Libraries all over Zululand, going deep into the Makhathini Flats and the Lebombo mountains, and indeed right up the Mozambique border, and indeed the Zululand trip was one we all loved.
To see the devastation which happened this week, to me, brought tears, for this indeed does not reflect the heart of the Zulu nation. Or our people and nation as well. The Rainbow People. The Rainbow Tribe.
Indeed, I worked in the Archives ot the Talana Museum, where I had to read through the colonial papers. My ancestors worked within the Hermannsburg Mission and our Missionaries lived amongst the Zulus and recorded their customs, and belief systems. Indeed, Dr. Oscar Dhlomo, once old me, that he had studied at the Leipzig University in Germany, during the Apartheid area, and all the reports were still there. Most people in South African do not even know about them, and these have never been translated into English. Indeed, my own great-great-grandfather, build a house for King Panda. As much as the same family lived for two years in a laager around the Luneburg church, as the Zulu War raged around them. My Great-grandfather on my mother’s side, was the Superintendent of the Mission in South Africa, and he translated the whole Bible into Zulu.
When the pandemonium broke out, I kept reminding myself, of the heart of the Zulu nation, and about the music which is there within them. And indeed, their heart and the music showed up!
When it truly mattered, the hearts stepped to the fore, as did the rest of my fellow country men and women, and united AS ONE, for now it did not matter who was who – they indeed rose from the ashes, shocked, but not broken! Their brave hearts spoke, and so did their souls!
For within them is the pulse of Mama Africa. The same Mama Africa, whom I have encountered, in her compassion, the beautiful laughter you find everywhere, the smiling faces, the helpfulness, and indeed, what I love most is when I go somewhere, like on Wednesday, and they run to assist me and call me: “Mama!” MAMA for it is the women of Africa, who indeed keep everything going. You will find them keeping families alive, you will find them doing upliftment programs in the Townships, being entrepreneurs, growing organic community gardens. Not that the men are not there, but the Mamas of Africa, are innovative and indeed they have huge, big hearts. They often have to make do with so little, but these Mamas, somehow, work miracles with what little they have. The happiest children I have ever seen, are in the Townships. They have so little, but you see them dancing and laughing!
And it is not just the Zulu people who have these beautiful hearts. The whole of South Africa has. When I go overseas, I miss my people – the smiles, and warmheartedness, the hospitality, and indeed the way they are always willing to assist, and indeed the way we can always find something to laugh about, to joke about, even in the times of the greatest woes.
Rise the Heart and Soul of Africa!
I have been called to work intensely with the energy centers of Africa in the last few weeks, and indeed the White Flame is pouring over Africa, as the pyramids are fully awakened and the sacred sites. Africa is already holding the spinal column of the New Earth and indeed the New Earth is here and now. In the last week, this has intensified.
With all of this happening, the impure will be swept to the fore and dissolve. It is going deep into the bowls of the Earth.
Africa is being freed!
It is now up to the African people to open their hearts and souls and allow the Holy Spirit, the Holy Fires to sweep through them, as a mass awakening occurs.
This will indeed sweep the Earth.
We are standing on Sacred and Holy Ground as Elysium, the First Paradise which once was here in Africa, is reborn!
Indeed, we are being blessed!
Nkosi S’khele Afrika!
God Bless Africa and all her children!
As we open our heart and soul to the Power of Love, we will indeed lead humanity into the New Earth!
The Rainbow Tribes are awakening, and leading the way, and not only here in Africa, but indeed all over the World.
Judith Kusel
For South Africa | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/18/2021 09:43:00 PM