Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dr. Peebles via Natalie Gianelli: You are Love, God, Peace, and Enthusiasm | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, July 31, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

July 30, 2021

By email ~ Dr. Peebles through Natalie Gianelli ~

Your energetic essence has always put you in the exact place, at the perfect time, with the right people, at each and every single moment, for your absolute and perfect expansion.

You have never been somewhere that you were not supposed to be. You are never outside of the absolute perfect moment, not only for your expansion but for the expansion of all.

You are all working as one, and each and every single person, plant, insect, mineral and cloud—even those things you might rail against, and denounce deeply—they are all expressions of God.

You are in extraordinarily expansive times on your Plant Earth. We do not want you to hide your heads in the sand. We want you to hold the truth of what you know.

Not everyone is completely open and surrendered to the full experience of who they are as God; but it does not change the fact that they are.

When you can begin to see the wholeness in others, you see it from the wholeness in yourself and you can practice admiring, honoring and acknowledging your wholeness. Then you can more easily see it in others and reflect it to others, and they reflect it back to you.

There is no separation, my dears. There is only one energy. You are the essence of love, of God, peace and enthusiasm. Certainly through your understanding, you experience the essence of who you are differently, but it does not change who you are.