Delightful unto Themselves | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, July 13, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I have to draw your attention to this passage from Judith Kusel:

“I had shifted immensely in the last few months and years, in all aspects and indeed have transfigured – indeed all seems to have happened lightyears ago.

“The Divine then showed me, that indeed all souls are freed and indeed all souls in the New Earth, will experience love in such an expanded form, which we cannot even comprehend right now. This is what I was being prepared for.

“In that moment I was speechless. Such Unconditional Love welled up within me, that I understood: – the highest love indeed is when we finally attain the wholeness within ourselves, and thus find the wholeness reflected in the other. One is loved as SOUL and not for anything else but the SOUL. It becomes a MERGER of SOUL within SOUL, yet never one losing its wholeness in the process, but indeed expanding into a greater Spiral, a Torus of Creation itself!

“When I was shown this, I simply could do no other than totally surrender all into Divine Hands.

“What I was shown I cannot put into more words.” (1)

“The Divine then showed me, that … all souls in the New Earth, will experience love in such an expanded form.” To the experience of this transformative, transfigurative love is where we’re all headed. She gives us her reaction to being bathed in it.

“In that moment I was speechless. Such Unconditional Love welled up within me.” Higher-dimensional love is by its very nature unconditional. And, yes, it’d definitely render one speechless. What could there possibly be to talk about in the face of something so multisensorily wonderful.

“When I was shown this, I simply could do no other than totally surrender all into Divine Hands”

Absolutely. Remember what Krishnamurti said:

“The really important thing is … the knowledge of God’s plan for [humans]. For God has a plan, and that plan is evolution. When once a [human] has seen that and really knows it, he cannot help working for it and making himself one with it, because it is so glorious, so beautiful.” (2)

And of course my vision of the total journey of an individual soul from God to God is another example of something which, once seen, one cannot do anything but surrender to. (3)

“What I was shown I cannot put into more words.” One cannot take the wonderment of the higher dimensions and reduce it to a vocabulary which has no words for it and knows nothing of it.

Judith says: “I had shifted immensely in the last few months and years, in all aspects and indeed have transfigured – indeed all seems to have happened lightyears ago.”

She has shifted immensely. I have. Most of my friends have. I hope we’re watching for these signs of progress towards our Ascension, so laden with promise and yet delightful unto themselves.


(1) “Judith Kusel: Heart Opening,” June 15, 2021, at

(2) J. Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974; c1910, 17.

(3) Charlton Heston did a good job of portraying this surrender in the burning bush scene of The Ten Commandments. []

On my own vision, which I surrendered to, see The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at
Delightful unto Themselves | Steve Beckow Delightful unto Themselves | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/13/2021 10:46:00 AM Rating: 5

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