Credit: Kathleen Mary Willis
By Steve Beckow, July 18, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Our hearts and minds are with people around the world, some of whom are being hit with the worst weather in a century.
The mainstream media attributes it to global warming. I attribute it to the deep state’s weather-warfare weapons.
If the world cannot see that it’s under attack by watching videos of a European storm that wanders across the map and deposits more rain in one day than falls in a year, I’m not sure what it’ll take.
The mainstream media claims the freak weather is due to global warming. The globe is not warming, according to Matthew Ward and SaLuSa. It’s moving toward a globally-temperate climate. (1)
The claim of global warming is being used to justify the deep state taking greater control over the population. And to take attention away from what the deep state hopes will be the successful and permanent lockdown of the population.
If you add in child trafficking, organ harvesting, adrenochrome production, the drug trade, nuclear arms trading, and half a dozen other arrangements to kill the population or siphon off wealth, you have a worldwide web of evil.
And it is this dark web, if I can borrow the phrase, that’s currently being taken apart.
Nevertheless I’m overwhelmed by the magnitude of the disaster unfolding.
In my view, when more and more people find themselves at the same time facing tragedy, such as the pandemic, lockdowns, vaccine deaths, and now flooding, the agitation grows exponentially. I predict we’ll hit a critical mass, a flashpoint, and demand sweeping action, brooking no further delay.
Before this united front (plus the Alliance and our star family), resistance will crumble and from it decisive action will occur.
The freak weather around the globe is one indication of what the cabal is still capable of doing.
The assignment facing us lightworkers at the moment, in my view, is to break the mold by making any global action we take peaceful.
No revolution. No guillotine. No empire rising from the ashes, worse than the ancien régime. Not this time around.
It isn’t necessary. Love is scripted to win. The Divine Mother says:
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (1)
Knowing the love she’s talking about, I believe her totally.
I think we can leave it to the Alliance plus our star family to round up the recalcitants and remove them from their criminal enterprises. I’m not happy hearing rumors of executions; not a good way of starting a golden age. I hope they’re not true. And I hope I never hear of mob violence – at least not from those who serve the Light.
Our greatest challenge, I think, will be to resist the agents provocateurs who’ll try to start mob violence.
What is going to fuel us? Well, here I go trying to find words again for a higher-dimensional state. Peace itself will fuel us. (3)
The divine state we call peace – not a simple laying down of arms but much deeper than that – gives us a stability that has us feel as if we’re a rock standing on a rock.
It lent Gandhi the strength to address a viceroy man to man. It gave Martin Luther King the strength to stare down death every day.
Archangel Michael compared it to granite:
Steve Beckow: I had an experience of deep peace some years ago. I think it was about 2015. And I was surprised to find that peace was so substantial. It felt to me as if I were standing on a granite rock and I remember saying that to myself. And then I remember a couple of years later you actually used that word, [saying] that peace was like granite. …
Archangel Michael: There are so many divine qualities that do feel amorphous, light, airy, like a spring day. And yet peace (you have this expression), you can take it to the bank. It feels like ballast. It feels like granite because it is solid. And dare I say immutable. That is why I continue to keep emphasizing that that peace [is] within, that rock-solid granite [lies] within. (4)
Given that the energies are constantly rising, and we’re simmering in them, this kind of peace will be the lot of all of us soon enough. But knowing that peace will win out, what further basis is there for us to prolong conflict?
“There is only one path and that is the path of Light,” Michael said to me years ago. (5) Since he’s the Warrior of Peace and Peace is Light, I imagine he’d also say “the path of Peace.”
(1) “Is Climate Change a Global Disaster?” March 2, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/03/02/is-climate-change-a-global-disaster/. HAARP and other weather-warfare technologies are behind the disasters.
(2) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.
(3) I’m seldom in that state of consciousness myself these days and am speaking from memory.
(4) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – Peace is Breaking Out Upon Your Planet, May 3, 2018,” May 15, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/05/15/transcript-archangel-michael-peace-is-breaking-out-upon-your-planet-may-3-2018/.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 17, 2020.
Breaking the Mold by Making our Global Action Peaceful | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/18/2021 09:47:00 PM