A Special Request From Parisse Deza For Contact Assistance In Durango Colorado
Aloha Everyone,
Starting August 1st, I am taking a two month sabbatical from very highly-charged Sedona, Arizona, to go up to Durango to renew myself, do research and writing, and meet others doing the good work of raising the frequency on our planet. I need a supportive place to live.
Here is my description of that place:
Rental Needed for Aug and Sept
Professional counselor, teacher, writer, artist taking short sabbatical from Sedona, Arizona. Highly skilled and experienced in taking care of homes and gardens. I make things more beautiful wherever I go.
Cabin, guesthouse, attached apartment, studio, or condo. Must be private, quiet, one BR (with good bed), living area, bath with tub, have workably full kitchen, be at least partially furnished, and be in a relatively natural location. Willing to pay up to around $1500 per month.
That said, I am open to unusual circumstances and arrangements, and we'll see what Providence offers.
If anyone reading this has such a place or knows someone in the Durango area I can contact about it, or just to meet as fellows, please send me a message via Patrick here at UniversalOm432hz@gmail.com.
Thanks very much. Many Blessings
Parisse Deza is a new age Renaissance man, a visionary with 48 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.
You are always welcome and encouraged to share my writing, respecting my rights and needs as an author. If you use excerpts, be sure to leave them in the form they came in, employing "..." between passages you want to shorten. This way the work keeps its integrity. Thanks.
Go here for my articles from 2020:
Go here for my articles from 2021:

A Special Request for Contact Assistance in Durango Colorado | Parisse Deza
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/22/2021 01:35:00 AM