A Golden Chariot of Thought | Heavenletters
JUL 17 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
You are the completion of My thought. I cognized you, and you came into Being. I had a thought of you, and you appeared. I am directing My words now to everyone who reads My words or hears My words and to everyone who does not read them or hear them.
You are My soul’s longing for Myself. You are My heart’s call. You are the song I sing. You are the words that fell from My lips. You are My dream recalled and replayed.
Creation is the carpet you walk on. You walk in the world. You have a surface to put your feet on. Yet, you, who are My creation, are also my radio to the world. You play the radio, you listen, and your thoughts are broadcast.
You can believe how lovingly I created an iris, a rose, an arbor, a vine, a playful kitten, brown eyes, blue eyes, and seasons to arise, and a horizon to see beyond. Will you also believe how lovingly I created you as servant of My love? If you do not like the word servant, then simply consider yourself My love itself serving Me on a tray to all, near or far. If you prefer to consider yourself a messenger, that also applies. You are a messenger of My love. This is what angels are.
You might as well know that you are an angel on Earth. Earth is filled with angels. Of course, you are an angel. You are an angel I sent to Earth. We made an oath that you will carry Me on a Golden Chariot of thought and deed and desire and will. We agreed that you would deliver Me from Heaven to the world. We further agreed that you would lift up the world and carry it to Me in your arms of love. We concurred that you would return Earth to Heaven where it came from and to where it now returns.
Beloveds, bring back the world to Heaven. Help the world to breathe. Bring My breath to the world. Bring My light to the world, and the world will be carried on your wings right to Me. How happy We shall be.
A flight of angels is rising to Heaven and bringing the world to Me on wings of light. You are happy to. You are in process of restoring Eden on Earth, an Eden that you are just beginning to grasp, to understand, to like. Eden is not the way you have previously thought. It is much more wonderful than that. Your Father’s Kingdom has many mansions. And your Father’s Kingdom has gardens to suit every taste. Eden is not one-dimensional. Nor is it two-dimensional, or three, or four, or five. Eden is beyond dimensions. It is far more than you ever dreamed of, as am I, as are you.
Your heart’s longing is for Me because I am the revelation of you. Call Me a mirror, if you like. In any case, My eyes gaze into yours. I am Christ-like in that way. And you are Christ-like. You are God-like. Roll over in joy.
Be like a joyous red cardinal and hop into My arms and come travel with Me right into the center of your heart which is Heaven on Earth, which is Earth in Heaven, which is Heaven to the right and Heaven to the left, which is Heaven every which way. You will, dear ones, find Me in your heart where I have always been eager to be found. And from your heart and from My eagerness, you will strew Me everywhere on Earth. I have desired to be strewn everywhere on Earth for all to find and return themselves to Me through the ticket of love that you gave in My name.
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A Golden Chariot of Thought | Heavenletters #3471
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/17/2021 02:54:00 PM