Monday, June 28, 2021

Your Vibrations Return to you | Alcazar Quotes

Your Vibrations Return to You

The thoughts, the energies, the feelings - both conscious and unconscious - that you are vibrating moment by moment are felt - these vibrations that you radiate vibrate the very Quantum Field. And within the Quantum Field those vibrations start a reaction, a response and the very energy that you have pushed into the Quantum Field starts to respond. It starts to create a reflection of your energy and a change in your physical experience, either within you or around you. These reflections come back to you either instantly, or in a few moments, or even in a day, a week, a month, or years even, depending on the thoughts, the power, the strength of the thoughts, and the power and the strength of the feelings. Beloved Ones, you create every moment. And the Field reflects back to you in your physical reality, in your experiencing in some way. This is a challenge to truly accept. At first, the mind with its conditioning over lifetimes does not accept this is the way reality is. Your mind thinks of reality as the physical. Slowly, slowly you are beginning to expand your understanding of reality.

– Alcazar

Becoming Superconscious, Session 29