The Reign of Peace | Heavenletters
JUN 11 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
We are having a revolution. It is a peaceful revolution. It is not a strike. It is not even a sit-down strike. It is Being. Being is making its way through strife. In Beingness, what strife can there be?
You may have always strived for peace, yearned for it, fought against upheaval. Your fighting for peace didn’t do the trick. Your yearning for peace is coming true because peace within you is welling up, is overflowing the ego, surpassing the nonsense in the world. Your arrival at peace brings peace. Look not for peace from the world. The world will be what you want when you are what you want, and what you want is not a truce, not an abdication from war, but an arrival at peace, a concordance of peace, the reign of peace.
The reign of peace does not mean all agreement. The reign of peace is acceptance, a kindly eye, a brightening eye to the fact that in even disagreement lies Oneness. It comes down to this:
When you look for the Unity of Peace, you will find it. It will arise. Looking for union is the putting down of arms. No more fisticuffs because an insurgence of fighting isn’t exciting to you any longer. You long for peace more than excitement. You gain and give peace before excitation.
You become less a reactor and more of a receiver of understanding. You are no longer trying to prove anything, such as that you are right or that you have been wronged.
This is not a peace treaty or a summit meeting. This is truly seeing from a bigger vantage.
This does not mean you become a conceder. It means you let go of what no longer seems mandatory to you. You no longer have bully-instincts with you. You no longer have the idea of dominance or subjection, for peace is neither. Peace is okay-ness. You are no longer stuck on differences or stuck on similarities. There is no false agreement. There is not even compromise. War compromises you. Peace does not.
What does it mean that everyone is yourself or everyone is your brother or that peace is at hand? War cannot possibly enter Oneness. Without awareness of Oneness, selfishness arises. In selfishness there is a sense of not enough. There is that sense that you must have the bigger piece of candy, or the bigger plot of land, or that you must take something in order to gain. Taking is the opposite of gain. Taking by force is no gain at all.
Beloveds, My beloveds, peace is a great gain. The peace soup of life is ready to perfection. It has been stirred enough. Now the soup of life is to be enjoyed amongst good company.
Or consider life a song instead of soup. The song is for everyone. Everyone can sing the song that someone else wrote. There are no Song Police around who say that a tune is not yours to sing. Songs are meant to be sung. It is natural to sing a song. Who owns a song and to what degree?
But here’s the story: You are in a body that goes hot and cold. Sometimes your body feels so cold it lights a fire, and flames shoot out. I assure you that the soul of you that exists within the errant body does not set fires. The fires you may set are physical reactions. You may call these reactions emotions. Only physical bodies are exasperated by assumed rights. Souls don’t think: “This is my place, not yours. Yours is over there, not here.” Souls, and this includes your soul, never think: “You can’t sit here. You have to sit somewhere else. Or get your own water rights.”
What can I say but to suggest that you get out of old thinking that does not stand you in good stead. This is the revolution I speak of. Instead of the spoils of war, this revolution bears the good fruit of peace.
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