According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Moon will be in the water sign of Pisces from 6/3 -6/5, conjoined with Chiron. It’s time to connect with the water, whether it’s at a park, the beach, or wherever your heart leads you. Chiron invites us to release our wounds from the past. Then we can reach out to someone who needs a hug or words of encouragement, from a place of love and compassion.
How can you connect with your spirit and honor your sensitivity?
Perhaps it’s time to enjoy some beautiful music or be inspired to create some art or writing that moves your soul.
With Mercury retrograde in the earth sign of Taurus, conjoined the Sun in Taurus until 6/16, we have an opportunity to realign with our intentions in a more grounded way.
How can you create more financial stability and stay connected to your sensual needs in your daily life?
Are there people you need to communicate with and share your truths so you can move forward in a more positive manner?
Patience, humor, and creativity are the keys to help us stay in the flow until Mercury completes its cycle 6/22.
Since this special planet rules our everyday thinking, if you unplug from the digital world, you will be blessed with some peace and serenity during these quiet moments.
Then you can connect with your Divine Source and receive valuable messages to bring you clarity and hope during these transformational times.
Let’s maintain a heart of gratitude for our amazing blessings each day and celebrate the progress we’ve made.
The best is yet to come.
The Moon in Pisces: A Time of Love and Compassion | Ami Sattinger
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/03/2021 12:04:00 PM