Monday, June 7, 2021
The Infinite | Heavenletters #1986
The Infinite | Heavenletters
JUN 7 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
What it is that you must not be attached to is ideas. It is all ideas, beloved. There may be a trinket that you can’t part with, but it is the idea of the trinket that you can’t part with. You have a piece of furniture. Perhaps it was your grandmother’s hope chest. You can’t part with it. But it is your idea of this chest that you can’t part with.
Ultimately, the chest is just a chest made of wood. That’s what a chest is. But to you this chest is family history, it is your love, your mother’s love as well, and your daughter’s future love, and a continuance of relationships. All this that you love about it keeps you in its thrall. The question isn’t really if you keep the chest or not. The question is do you keep your attachment. Obviously, it is worth more to you than a chest. Keep the chest, but let go of the attachment. In that sense, part with it, else you are its prisoner, as if its lid had been shut down on you.
The monetary value accrued to the chest is also just an idea. If it is $5,000 dollars or $5.00, it is still only an appraisal. The less you are attached to your appraisals, the freer you are. The freer you are, the newer you are. The newer you are, the more spontaneous.
The day will come, beloveds, when you part with all the physical. Even your life is an idea you have held on to. You will let go of all of your ideas. Then you are freed from everything including the imposed obligation to think certain ways. Now you can be any way, any way at all.
A bird flies from branch to branch. He is attached to none. He knows he will alight somewhere. It doesn’t even have to be a branch he alights on.
And you are a traveler in the world. Even if you stay in one spot, you are a traveler. You do not have to pack up a tent in order to be a traveler. You are a traveler through the illusion of space and time. All footsteps fade.
For those of you who are afraid of death, know that physical death is merely the removal of everything that kept you in place and held you back. You fear what is called the Unknown, but there is no Unknown. What you call the Vast Unknown, is the Known. You have known it all along. You have known this beautiful passage out of time and space. This passage propels you into the Infinite Eternal. Then you have no choice. Beloveds, Infinity is not absence. It is Presence. That which you call death is a return to fairer fields, fairer because you are no longer distracted from it.
You prefer Earth Life at this moment because you are attached to it. You think Earth life is Life and that Death is absence of life. Earth Life is only one idea of life, beloveds. It is not the only one. The Earth life that you hold dear is finite. Infinite is greater. You are no stranger to the Infinite. It is really what you have now, only your awareness of the Vastness has been crowded out by all manner of things.
Welcome life on Earth, and welcome life away from Earth. Welcome whatever side of the street you are on.
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