Magic Can Elevate You
What is magic? Magic is the unexpected. Magic is the unexplained. Magic is something that occurs that brings wonder and joy. As you move deeper, that which was magic starts to become an understanding and a knowing. That which was not understood but appreciated and enjoyed or viewed with awe and wonder, slowly, slowly becomes understanding and experiencing. You have shifted, you have raised your vibration. You are now at the next level waiting, calling forth the next level of magic in your lives. Beloved Ones, focus on the magic. Focus on the tiny little things that surprise you, that you appreciate. Be grateful for them.
If you go shopping and there is something that you want to buy and it's on sale, appreciate it. Be grateful. Recognize, Oh, this is wonderful. It’s a tiny, tiny gift from existence. Raise your vibration in those moments. Start to look at life in this way. Start to look for the magic and appreciate it. Be grateful for it. Magic is in the flowers in nature. Is it not incredible? Do you take time to stop and really look into a flower? Into the tiny parts that comprise it. Have you watched the bumblebee gathering the pollen and the nectar from the flower? Have you not looked at this and thought, Wow, this is amazing? Beloveds, if you can appreciate being grateful for the delights that these things can bring in these moments, then your vibration is easily elevated. And more and more, you begin to simply live in that higher place. Evolution does not have to be a struggle. Look for the magic. The magic can elevate you.
- Alcazar
Becoming Superconscious, Day 54
Magic Can Elevate you | Alcazar Quotes
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/22/2021 10:56:00 AM