Thursday, June 10, 2021
Keeping it Simple | Steve Beckow
By Steve Beckow, June 10, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I spoke to a new spirituality group that was recently birthed out of the membership of Vaccine Choice Canada.
They were a bright, attentive, professional audience with clear and sincere commitment. It was a treat.
I had a major spiritual experience after the lecture and it built in strength over the next two days. I’m pretty sure it was the activation of a download I was born with. I’ve been told about it and it was predicted two yeas ago that it would soon unpack. It feels like it did,
But let me get to that tomorrow, because you were there with me throughout this event.
Aside from the lecture (on Ascension) being a wonderful experience, it answered nagging questions for me.
Can I lecture with my short-term memory being so haphazard? Will I lose track of what I was saying in the middle of a sentence? Do I have what it takes to convey information this way?
I was not plagued by memory problems and that removed the biggest block for me around lecturing. My story of a bad memory was shot to shreds and that alone felt liberating.
The event caused a creative explosion in me because it identified so many areas of what we discuss here that needed clarifying. So let me start that process of clarification.
Let me continue the discussion of Ascension started in the lecture.
Ascension is really very simple, though ascending itself, in the new format, is a process that may be mostly gradual and take time. The word “simmering” comes to mind.
I read a quote a few years back defining Ascension in a most difficult way. I don’t want to give the quote because I don’t want to embarrass the writer and these articles may be read by civilizations far distant in time and space.
But it talks about Ascension in scientific terms. He discusses particles, their charges, their relationship to each other, etc., all in one long definition.
Heavens, he may even be correct. But very few people would understand what he said and so its usefulness is limited.
Ascension itself is very simple: It’s a full and permanent heart opening (period).
But I have to make some clarifications. It’s the spiritual heart, two digits to the right of the breastbone, that opens.
It’s not the heart chakra, although it can be initiated by the kundalini reaching the heart chakra. That particular heart opening is only temporary.
And it’s not the physical heart.
A heart opening is not the same as the quality of being open-hearted. Being open-hearted could very well lead to a heart opening. But in and of itself it’s of far less intensity. Far, far less.
The hole no bigger than a pinprick that keeps us from knowing the heart and living in Fifth-Dimension consciousness is called the hridayam, a word usually translated as “heart” although it actually refers to the heart aperture. The heart aperture is also called the granthi or knot of ignorance. It’s apparently like the aperture of a camera.
The hridayam first opens when the kundalini reaches the fourth or heart chakra. But it then gradually closes again over time.
It opens again in Sahaja, which is Ramana Maharshi’s name for Ascension. But this time it remains open and it remains full and complete.
When the hridayam opens, there’s then no obstacle or blockage between the everyday and the ascended consciousness.
I experienced my heart open on March 13, 2015 and it was explosive. I remember thinking it was like a fifteen-inch gun going off and blowing an obstruction the size of a watermelon out of my heart.
After that I found myself in an inner tsunami of love and, later, in an Ocean of Love. Those were foretastes of Ascension.
Having said that the concept of Ascension is simple, I now have to add that Ascension itself is a process most of which is not quite as simple. Nor is it as quick as we may like.
For instance, the raising of the frequency of the human body has to be done slowly and gradually. There have been times recently when the energy has been amped up and all of us in my circle were relating our woes.
If the energy were coming in higher and faster, our hospitals would be overwhelmed by people thinking they’re dying or having a nervous breakdown.
Can you imagine suddenly awakening to find ourselves in an Ocean of Love? Where’s my house? Where’s my family? Where am I?
We lightworkers may be ready for the shock of Ascension, but several billion other people may not. In 2012 we could have gone as a small group but we elected to go as a planet and that takes longer.
People whose light quotient is not yet adequate to allow them to thrive in the higher vibrations need time to take in the energies and make the slow transition from carbon base to crystalline base. I’m reminded of Sitara’s discussions of sous vide: We need to be slowly and uniformly cooked.
Tomorrow, I’d like to discuss the very strong spiritual experience I had after this lecture. Days later I remain desireless and still.