June 4, 2021
I am KaRa the Emissary from the Galactic Federation team, and my direct responsibilities are assisting Ashtar in many tasks relating to humanity situation in the fight with Cabal and outworlders, who are trying to harm planet Earth.
It has been a while seen my last transmission through this direct telepathic connection, I had with this channel. After disclosure and Nesara Gesara announcement, when the right time arrives, I am going to help with transformation and creations of Light Centers on New Earth.
Meantime, Gaia is under our protection, the Reptilians, Orions, Greys and other Negatives Entities would like to use nuclear powers on your planet. We are preventing that type of events, which would bring catastrophic destructions of the Milky Galaxy and Mother Earth.
I am assuring you that we are constantly monitoring the situation around your world nonstop. You heard that the Greys have bases under the water on your planet, that is not true. They are forbidden to come in any range of this planet, because of their past behaviors of abductions and experiments on the human bodies.
I want to reassure you that some of the misinformation that comes to Earth is to scare and confuse you. Always follow your deep connection with your soul to learn, what is real and what is not.
A lot of activities and movements have been noticed by our intel on the planets like Moon, Mars, Jupiter and etc. The Negative forces are trying to disrupt and slowdown the process of liberation for humanity. No matter how the picture looks in this moment, the reality is this planet continues to move to New Era and the Collective Consciousness is on the rise.
The most important aspect for you is to recognize that you are Divine beings, and soon you are going to get back all of your powers and memories. These entities, who made your life difficult and kept you in the Matrix, are going to be running for their llives.
Please, don’t worry everything is moving to the destination of the Golden Era on Mother Gaia. I, KaRa observe and monitor your beautiful world from my ship daily, and I am very excited for humanity. All of you are blessed to be here now, when for the first time in this Galaxy the planet is going to ascend with live beings on it.
The perception that the Galactics are also stock in this Matrix, it’s not correct as we have the technology, which can detect and recognize the false reality from the real one. The corrupted souls would like to conquer and control everyone and everything. Unfortunately for them, the Light carries high vibrations, which the Darkness can’t win against.
The battle between Light and Darkness has been going on for eons. Mother Gaia has been cut off from the interaction between other Galactic civilizations out in space. The corrupted souls lied and hid the truth from you about that you are not alone, there are trillions of different beings in the Cosmos.
I work with Ashtar as Emissary, and I am originally from the Andromeda Galaxy from the same planet as Queen An-Ra. I volunteered to work with Galactic Federation of Light. The Light Beings from distant worlds are working and interacting together to keep safe planets, galaxies and universes from the Dark Forces. Majority of the civilizations seek to avoid destructions of their worlds and want to live in peace. I wish for everyone on Earth to have peace and happiness.
It was my pleasure today to send my greetings and love to all of you. Thank you.
Remember you are the Power and Strength
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
KaRa via Erena Velazquez | June 4, 2021
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/04/2021 09:27:00 AM