By Steve Beckow, June 3, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I think I’m right in saying that the furthest the everyday thinking consciousness can reach is the determination of what’s right and what’s wrong (which seem all too often to depend on what you value and where you sit).
If I’m right, this restricted kind of thinking doesn’t feel. I don’t know where feelings come from so let me talk about an “everyday feeling consciousness.” I may as well call it an “emotional black box” because the origin of feelings is a mystery to me.
Well, it has to be the soul, ultimately. But before then? Closer to Third/Fourth Dimensional Reality?
Where is that manual for homo universalis?
For whatever reason, intellectual knowledge seems to get no more satisfying than the exercise of determining right and wrong. We appear to argue over the matter for hours and even years.
I’d like to focus on what rewards we get looking from each of the three levels of knowledge – intellectual, experiential, and realized.
The most the determination of right and wrong gives me is a feeling of satisfaction at being right. I feel triumphant. I may gloat. Later I regret most of the things I did and said. And on and on goes a meaningless and unexamined life.
Those who become aware that they could be living their lives on a much more satisfying level – the experiential – are few in terms of the global population, but more numerous among lightworkers.
Decades ago, the growth Movement, est, eastern religions, etc., all promoted life at the experiential level. It was a glorious time to be alive – as this is.
At the experiential level, we remain aware of how we feel. We come to see the importance of how we feel in determining how we act. We’re honest about preferring to be happy than to being right. We share our feelings so that others can know what’s motivating us.
Communication of what’s really important for another to know actually occurs. One can reach levels of intimacy which today would be “I didn’t know I didn’t know.”
The third level is the realizational. There love and bliss are omnipresent and none of the questions explored here arise.
When love floods the space, problems evaporate. When all my senses are satisfied, I tend to sit here like a happy puppy. There isn’t much to say living in a realized space. And more to enjoy than we ever imagined.
The intellectual level has its purpose and role. It enables us to create artifacts (like tools) and manipulate the elements of our world, which is necessary for our physical survival.
But, if we look closely, we’ll find that a great deal of what we do, perhaps the largest part, is really done to help us or another feel the divine states like happiness, satisfaction, bliss, etc. Yes, we tend to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Everything done at the intellectual level seems to be done to reap rewards at the experiential level.
Why not just go direct to the experiential level?
How are you feeling right now? No, really, I need this information. I need it more urgently if and when conflict arises.
How are you feeling? If you don’t tell me, I lose the information that would most influence how I relate to you. (1)
Let’s bring the experiential back into life. And not as an exaggerated, narcissistic version, which is how the cabal will attempt to undermine us – portraying us as bleeding-heart liberals or navel-gazers.
No, as balanced individuals who know where they’re headed and what they want. Who know that Self-Knowledge is what they want and that that is poles apart from navel-gazing. And it includes not just being right or wrong, which has its place, but feeling love and expressing happiness. And not just to our side. But to all.
(1) Do you know how you feel? Are you aware of how you feel on an ongoing basis? Do you watch the thoughts that arise with your different feeling states?
Living at the experiential level is like pulling ourselves out of molasses, out of lethargy. I’m tempted to say that living at the intellectual level is at best as dry as oatmeal and at worst like wading through molasses. I’m very much tempted to also say that the emotional side of us can, at worst, atrophy if we only traffic in ideas and don’t acknowledge our feelings (without going into “you made me feel….”).
But I have no definitive/certain knowledge of any of this. These are just my guesses based on my experiences.
How are you Feeling? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/04/2021 02:28:00 AM