Sunday, June 13, 2021

Boulders in the Stream | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, June 13, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

June 12, 2021

What thing unto mine ear
Wouldst thou convey,—what secret thing,
O wandering water ever whispering?…
Thou water, O thou whispering wanderer
What message dost thou bring?

~Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Stream’s Secret

I’m starting to see trapped negative emotions as the stumbling stones in the smooth rivers of our lives. Like sand, pebbles, rocks, and massive boulders, these negative emotions range from minuscule to massive.

Even tiny negative emotions can cause cascading disruptions in our lives, the way a bit of grit in your shoe can eventually curtail the ease of your stride.

I see the boulders as the ancient, buried emotions from the spans of our lives. They may even be ancestral emotions that have been delivered from one generation to the next as a mother delivers the baby. Part of the lineage DNA, apparently.

I suspect that what some call “negativity to be transmuted from the collective” is in fact these boulders of trapped emotions, scattered across humanity like pieces of a downed comet that plowed through collective consciousness and left a furrow of angst and hopelessness in a great, gaping Earth-wound.


Rocks, pebbles, and clogging sand in the river would represent less-entrenched nuggets of emotions. Irritation at the spam call at 3:00 a.m., or lingering self-doubt and worry from the disagreement with your boss a few weeks back.

Years of chronic physical pain can create a veritable swamp of negative emotions, stockpiled one on another in the reluctant storage banks of our physical bodies.

Without proper processing to completion, the energy of these negative emotions gets embedded within our bodies. Releasing it can seem an insurmountable task.


When encouraged by anyone—friend or therapist or author—to “feel and acknowledge negative emotions, but don’t dwell on them,” my initial response is always, “Great! Just show me how.”

Sometimes painstaking instructions are forthcoming, or literature is pointed out. Read so-and-so’s self-help book, or this Ascended Master’s channeled dissertation from this incredibly insightful individual. Review spiritual literature from certain traditions.

It’s all there, can’t you see it?


And I add another negative emotion, frustration, to my overloaded baggage train.


I did something new last week. I sought the assistance of an Emotion Code practitioner to help unearth and remove those emotional boulders and rocks from the river of my life.

I believe that this process will work for me, and is already working for me, largely because it’s based in spiritual and energetic tenets that I subscribe to wholeheartedly.

I can’t explain energetic healing like an awakened quantum physicist could, or a spiritual aspirant who has devoted life and soul to esoteric studies. But I understand it enough for my purposes.

The Emotion Code could be described as energy work. Like Reiki, or acupuncture, or any other energy healing modality, success seems to depend on the willingness and openness of the recipient, and their soul’s directive.

Is it time? Yes, it’s time. That’s the message I get from my soul.


I see these released emotions like sparkly mylar balloons, untethered at last from the prison of my body. I fancy that they are just as glad to leave, having overstayed their welcome, as I am to set them free.

Similarly, the entrenched negative energies that have overstayed their welcome on Earth may finally be getting released from trapped pockets all over the world.

I hope that, in some fashion that I can only imagine, the darkness itself is glad to leave. And that it can release into a cloudless blue sky, welcomed by Creator just as fervently as the lightest, brightest soul that ever ascended with joy and the fanfare of angels.