By Catherine Viel, June 24, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
June 23, 2021
And then the unified field, faced with its own emptiness,
bent down to his chest as if to listen.
~Tom Sleigh, Stethoscope / The Unified Field
You think you know people, and then look what happens. They do something you’d never expect.
Here’s a conversation I’ve had more than once in the last few months:
Me: Say, I’m sure glad I’m not getting that darn vaccine, aren’t you?
Other person: Well, actually…I got it. I had to because…
There’s always a good reason. Family pressure, employer pressure, general pressure from the world at large pushing the vaccine agenda.
I’m still reeling from the latest conversation. This longtime friend is well-informed about toxic vaccines. She was listening to Art Bell on late night radio decades before I was clued up about any of these topics, and I used to think it was a bit odd that she gave any credence to Art or his guests.
And yet, despite her well-founded skepticism of conventional medicine and its dubious pharmaceutical arm, she caved. Too many relatives and close friends nagging her relentlessly.
Et tu, dear friend?
Especially during this pandemic feast o’ lies, I find myself at odds with my mainstream compliant friends and relying more and more on the understanding and support of the small cadre of more or less awake ones. Even if they are only awake to a small part of the dastardliness that has infiltrated the world, at least they’re aware of the toxic vaccines.
I am simply numb with incomprehension that these virulent anti-vaccine people have nonetheless gotten jabbed with what is, by many accounts, arguably the most poisonous bioweapon-vaccine ever created. (Some Lightworkers have taken the jab, with full awareness, and with calm confidence in their sovereignty. That’s a different story.)
I am not the only one being blindsided by this kind of situation. I’ve heard from two different people about groups of Reiki practitioners who apparently have all gotten vaccinated and probably do not have much of a clue about the globalist agenda.
Reiki people! Of all people! One would think that energy healers would be clued up, right?
These minor upheavals are causing me to question the reality I have been assuming for some time. I am reminded of Blossom Goodchild and how the Federation of Light is always saying how topsy-turvy things will be, and things are not what they seem, and so forth.
I made the assumption that the topsy-turvyness would mostly affect the unawake and unaware. I also made the assumption that the minimally awake population could be relied on to comprehend the depopulation foundation of the globalist agenda, and not submit to it in any way.
Like, don’t get jabbed with the darn vaccine! That seems like such an immutable baseline for how even a slightly awake person behaves right now.
I feel blindsided, a bit betrayed, and definitely bereft. If I can’t count on somebody who followed Art Bell for decades, who on Earth can I count on?
Who on Earth, indeed. Perhaps that is the key, in that question. There isn’t really anybody “on Earth“ to rely on.
There is our inner self, our higher self, our soul, our connection with Source.
And the absolute certainty that no matter what it looks like when viewing other people from the outside, they, too, have that same soul connection and connection with Source.
No exceptions, no limitations. We are all unified because, as so many channels and sources keep reminding us, we are all God, universal consciousness, oneness.
Not “part of it,“ we ARE it.
So next time I am blindsided by a bewildering announcement of one sort or another, I’ll remind myself to take a breath and extend my awareness of the field of oneness, the unified field, out from myself and to the source of bewilderment, and on out thereafter and into the All That Is.
There is no vaxxed or unvaxxed, masked or unmasked, in that unified field. Nobody is bewildered or upset or afraid.
What a peaceful and welcoming place that is, and I don’t even have to go anywhere to find it.
Blindsided | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/24/2021 08:57:00 PM