You Create By What You Radiate
Understand that you create your own reality by what you radiate. This is a difficult concept for most people to understand. So let us see if we can explain it, if you can understand it -- and this is for everyone. If you can understand this, then you can start to see how you create the difficult things in your life and the beautiful things. And you can choose to create more beautiful things and less of the uncomfortable things. As we have said, everything is vibration. Your thoughts are vibrations. Your words are vibrations. Your scientists have recently discovered that when you think you literally radiate magnetic waves. It's measurable. Now you have the instruments that can measure it.
So, everything is vibration. Your thoughts, your feelings, your words are all vibrations. So, when you have an angry thought, you are vibrating at the lower frequency. Anger is a low frequency [energy]. When you are in joy, [you are vibrating at] a higher frequency. When you are thinking pleasant things, you are vibrating at a higher frequency. When you are thinking of judgment and negativity, a lower frequency. So, whatever you are thinking, whatever you are feeling, 24/7, every moment your vibration is radiating out. This radiating out acts like a magnet and draws to it similar things. So, if you are constantly angry and negative, you will draw to you situations that make you more angry, more negative. If you are radiating a high vibration, you start to draw more and more high vibrational experiences to you. That is the intention behind meditation. Meditation raises your vibration. With a raised vibration, there's an opportunity to draw more pleasant things. When you experience more pleasant things, it raises your vibration even more. It is that simple.
- Alcazar
Stargate Workshop, Dublin, 2017 - Share 4
You Create by What you Radiate | Alcazar Quotes
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5/26/2021 10:55:00 PM