(Golden Age of Gaia)
… with the ability to bring forth what your heart desires, what your neighbor’s hearts desires, what the man in the moon desires, and then to enjoy it… so, go play and laugh for it is time!
Greetings, I AM Yeshua, I AM Jesus, I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM Yeshi. Welcome my beloveds, brothers and sisters, allies, and friends. There is not one race, or one type that is not present in this circle as you come together in joy, as you come together in sacred union… in sacred union of community… to know and understand this blessing, this gift that the Mother has bestowed, and continues to bestow.
It is time for us to play. It is time for us to laugh, to chuckle, to sit, to stare, and then begin again… oh, not begin the drudgery, to begin to laugh, and play, and giggle, and chuckle, and create, for you are master creators.
There are many reasons that you, and the Mother, and all of us have agreed that you would come to this planet at this time when, quite literally, the new was being born… and I know what that is like… and you all had many fine qualities and qualifications. But your primary essence is creator and creativity. It is the ability to bring forth what your heart desires, what your neighbor’s hearts desires, what the man in the moon desires, and then to enjoy it.
So much of human creation and history has been miscreation… of pain, and suffering, abuse, and control… so you have shied away, many of you, from creation because you have witnessed time and again how it went wrong. But what about when it goes right? And you say, “Oh Lord, I don’t know, I haven’t experienced that.” And I suggest to you to delve deeper into your memory banks… whether it was the creation of the perfect birthday party for your child, or a Mother’s Day gift, of an evening, or event, of an outfit, or project. You absolutely know what successful creation feels like. And you are not going to live in denial of your quintessential ability, alchemists, to bring forth what you want, what you desire, what is needed for yourselves, for your family, and for the family of humans.
Yes, there are still situations that you may gaze at and say it’s still a mess, there is still hatred and greed. What you are doing, what you have been entrusted with is not only the creation of the good, you are creating, in many ways, and offering the alternative. There is not one being upon GiAnna or anywhere that truly does not yearn for love.
When your creations are of truth, and peace, and joy, and compassion, and a genuine offering of who you are… whether it is a muffin or a city… when it is genuinely anchored in the love above and below, no one – hear what I said – no one will refuse. There may well be hesitation as they work through the hesitations of denial of whether they are worthy of such offerings. And you say to them, “Well, that’s okay, just come and try it. It’s like a free pass, all you have to do is bring your heart. All you have to do is allow yourself to be loved. Let me show you how this is done. I will not show you how to hate, or distain, or decry others, I will show you how to love.”
This is what you are doing. Do not allow yourself to be dragged down into the old. Whether you believe it is within you or not, it is not your essential being. Accept that. Surrender, surrender my beloveds to the fact that you are going to have fun.
It is an alien concept, and let me suggest to you, your star brothers and sisters know full well how to have fun! And they are waiting… there have been well over, now, twenty-six thousand delegation meetings. Much is in process, much is being created, much is being translated into what people think of as human innovation. They do not require patents or kudos… what they require is acceptance and love and play. The attractiveness of GiAnna has always been she is like a theme park, there is nothing that she doesn’t offer you, and what she offers you most is beauty, is freedom.
Accept the gifts that my Mother, and yours, has laid upon the table. Do not just simply sit there and admire them and think, I wonder when I’m going to get to open these? Open them; play with the toys; use the gadgets; inhale the energy; drink the love and begin, my master creators, for I walk with you now and always.
Go with my love, and go, sweet angels, in peace.
I love you.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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Yeshua Reminds us... We are Master Creators | Linda Dillon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/19/2021 12:07:00 AM