Women, Stop Allowing Yourselves to be Marginalized | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

May 1, 2021

Women, Stop Allowing Yourselves to be Marginalized

Your power is not in sex. Your power does not come from allowing yourself to be trivialized by men. You're not some trinket that men have to take into account. You're not a play thing. When it comes to the Light movement, we are stronger in power than the men are. There are more of us than there are men in the Light movement. What you see now as female behavior is behavior molded by Matrix mind control. It's not true female behavior at all, nor is male behavior authentic either.

Another reason that I work alone. If I were to work in a group of men, my leadership ability and my contribution to the community would be marginalized to allow for their big ego's. By the way, I don't have that problem with my ET friends. I've gotten very tired of having to prove myself to men, and of feeling that “I'm not in the club.” I have nothing to prove to anyone. When you believe you have to prove yourself to someone, they're controlling you and one thing controlling people don't like to do is to relinquish control. So knowing that, do you think they'll ever let you in the club? I doubt it. Another hard lesson I had to learn when I was younger. They fear your power so they try to convince you you're less than you are. I believe that, instinctively men knew who first had power over them – their mothers – and in typical earthly ways, they have learned to fear her power to give and to nurture life, rather than learning to respect it. I believe fear and respect are often confused.

I'm not saying this to make friends, because obviously I'm going to piss off some men, particularly. Or maybe there are men who do treat women as true equals who are thinking, “Finally, someone is making some sense!” I frankly don't care which group you're in, fellows, but I'm going to say to you that if you continue to sexualize all women, especially women who sit on your round tables, discuss the current movement with you, are part of the Light movement and rising of the feminine and masculine energies, then you're part of the problem, not the solution.

The solution involves changing every belief we ever had about ourselves and life, and it requires diminishing the draconian ego and aligning your ego with your god self and its will for you.

Nelson Mandela said, “Your playing small doesn't serve the world.” That goes for both genders. I can tell you from experience, I used to think that “small is safe.” If I shrunk away and just did everything everyone wanted, then everybody would like me and nobody would bother me. Guess what? That tactic didn't work. It's when I started to be assertive and tell people what I expected of them that they no longer could bully, marginalize, berate, harass, intimidate and more. It's when I showed up in my own life that I was finally safer and people realized I was someone to reckon with.

It has to do with your rights, your God given rights. We all need to see ourselves as God sees us, not as has been dictated to us by a society that divides and separates based on factors we don't have any control over – our gender, and for that matter, our outer appearance. We were born with it and we don't have any say in changing these things, well not typically anyway. Most people would not undergo gender reassignment.

If your ego requires that someone take a backseat in your life, you have an ego problem. If your ego believes that calling women “babes” and “foxes” is okay, then you're still part of the matrix. If you need to sexualize everyone, then you are looking at things from a third dimensional perspective, not a higher perspective of respecting creative energies.

If you relate to everyone in such a way as to sum up how you can amuse yourself with them sexually, you have an addiction problem. If the only value people have to you is sexual, you have a real problem. If you cannot see a woman as being a human being, but a babe or a fox, or worse, than you are diminishing the value of humanity in your own mind, so that leaves you open to killing life – yes, because you don't value life, it leaves you open to being exploitative – because you don't value life, it leaves you open to being domineering – because you don't value life, and many other things that the DS can exploit in you. It leaves you open to many behaviors. Because you don't value life, you don't value yourself either.

Reverence for both genders and the creation of life would solve a lot of problems on this planet.

Ivo: Many of you relate to others as saviors or as people who can do something for you. Your stance is indicative of your own disempowered state. Those who seek out female partners to care for you, give you a home, cook for you and more, are disempowered.

However, Sharon's point is valid: If you cannot see a woman as a person rather than someone to assign some kind of sexual label to, then you have a problematic mind. People are people. And when you begin to start seeing them as such rather than as someone to exploit, because this is what this amounts to, then you have learned to respect life. You are devaluing a part of God, the part, in fact, that God assigned the task of birthing His new life to, and of rearing in the most delicate years of that being's life – early childhood. The mother is given the ability to nurture and to feed the baby – providing from her own body the sustenance that baby requires in the earliest time of its life, she literally has given of herself in the entire process of creating this baby and beyond. The cycles of the baby and the mother are coordinated and she learns to respond to the baby's needs without its having to ask. This is how important motherhood is.

Not that that is the only role of a woman. God has assigned more to her.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: Women on the planet now are raising the light quotient by taking on old thinking such as what we are discussing now, and are fighting the Matrix in order to allow women to be seen in the Light for a change, rather than largely by darkness.

Women stand for bearing life, expressing emotions, caring and nurturing of humanity, and are largely anti-war and anti-destruction of life. The feminine quality of nurturing is seen within many of your professions, especially nursing. Women are asked to do jobs that few others would undertake.

Does this mean that men would not? No. However we are speaking for the unsung hero's of humanity: women.

Earth is a feminine planet, not a masculine planet, with a feminine soul named Gaia. Gaia was dying and put out a call for help so many women responded to save her. To play such an important role in the universe was permitted to a female soul.

What you believe of a true masculine is not at all the case. You have much to learn about both sexes – it begins when you begin to understand your own power. Your viewpoint now is one of disempowerment and women have taken the brunt of this throughout the years. They are the scapegoats for many of the Illuminati campaigns.

In the galaxy, women are true equals to their male counterparts. The man understands that to minimize the woman, they minimize themselves. It is universal law. It cannot be any other way.

Me: Thank you Ivo. I want to make one more point and that has to do with the language we use to describe our sexual organs. I realize that the word “vagina” sounds weird to the English speaker and I've been seeing “yoni,” which sounds a bit better. But let's leave the c word, beaver, muff, kooter, pussy, and probably more I can't think of right now, to those who are uncomfortable with sexuality and too immature to be able to respect it. The same goes for the male sex organs. Let's raise the bar, folks. Let's leave this vulgarity to people who can't see why they shouldn't use it.

This video is also not being produced so you can taunt your mates by saying you're better than they are. Let's rise above this and start to think of reasons that we should revere ourselves and others. We're equals but it's time for women to step up and claim that space.

Ivo: My love, I understand you have a problem with being treated this way and I beseech you to let it go for the rest of the day. You have spoken your piece so let it be now and enjoy the day.

Me: I will, thanks Ivo.


YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Women, Stop Allowing Yourselves to be Marginalized | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Women, Stop Allowing Yourselves to be Marginalized | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/02/2021 12:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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