JFK: What I Know About 9/11
May 3, 2021
Message from John F. Kennedy - A Transcription
Greetings to all my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers...and all others who are listening to my message at this time.
Losha and I would like to address a different topic today. She and I have been speaking of the event called “9/11.”
I have my own understanding of what happened at that time and I would like to pass along those understandings at this time. I found out some of this after the fact, however I would like to address it anyway because I believe it is important for you all to know.
The primary piece of information I would like to pass along is that...and this will be shocking to many...however, the Alliance, or the White Hats as they’ve been called, actually knew about the 9/11 event beforehand.
Now, at this time, back in 2001, the Alliance did not have the measure of control that they do at this time. They were unable to control the different agencies. So, they heard about this event being planned but they were unable to stop it.
There are reasons that it did go forward...and one of the reasons that it was “allowed” (by the galactics) to go forward is because it was to be a huge “wakeup call” for so many Americans and International citizens.
The event went ahead as planned...however, the Alliance did what they could to diminish the casualties. Even though they couldn’t stop the event from happening, they put out rumors beforehand indicating that the Alliance knew about the event and they were going to stop it...even though they really couldn’t. So, because of all those insistent rumors the Cabal decided to move their time frame up to make sure it happened as they wanted it to.
So, they moved it up just an hour, but because they moved it up one hour...if you think about the time it actually happened...that one hour saved a lot of lives. So, that is what the Alliance did...that was all they could do at the time. They also were aware that the Americans needed to be “awakened”, and this was the event that was to do it...and it did work that way. If you speak to many Lightworkers now, and Truthers as they are called, and all the different people who are working toward “Disclosure” and to the Truth coming out...many, many of them were awakened because of 9/11.
So, it may sound bad that the Alliance knew about it and allowed it to happen, however there is always a bigger picture and I have been learning that in my time since I have been on Earth.
The other topic I wanted to mention was that I had a behind-the-scenes role in 9/11, after the fact. Right after it happened, I was on assignment you might say, with the Galactic Federation. We went and visited and spoke with all the neighboring countries to Iraq, as Iraq was attacked by the “Americans” shortly after 9/11 happened.
Because of the fact that when I was on Earth, I had great international knowledge and understandings, I joined the Galactic Federation and we appeared to the different country’s leaders via a “holographic” image...and we talked to them because we wanted to dissuade them from joining in to help Iraq “defeat” the Americans. Some might think that might have been a “good” thing however, again...and this might sound trite to say, but this war had to happen the way that it did. As the American military attacked Iraq so relentlessly, the Americans became pretty “hated” in the countries of Iraq and the neighboring countries.
So, when the news came back on the mainstream media here in America that the Americans were basically hated by all these countries and they didn’t like that the military over there...the American “government” primarily...were being so relentless in their attacks from all phases of the military...land, sea, and air...that the neighboring countries grew to not like the Americans, also.
That news came back to the American citizens and they didn’t like that they were hated...and it did wake them up to their own government being basically a “despot” government...a tyrannical government, with the way they were waging this war so relentlessly against Iraq and Hussein.
Hence, that all had to happen as it did, also...so, my role was to help talk to the other countries so they would stay put and not involve themselves in the war against America, even though they truly wanted to do so. I enjoyed being “useful” in that way, even though it was under dire circumstances.
Those were the things I wanted to mention...two somewhat different topics about 9/11...those are the areas where I have knowledge and I wanted to pass it along to all of you...and to say that the 9/11 event happened as it was supposed to...and it worked to help awaken many, many souls.
The 9/11 event was the biggest wakeup call in the history of the United States. My assassination was also a wakeup call to Americans, but it was a smaller one as compared to the 9/11 event.
Hence, everything happened as it should and we have grown so much since the time of 9/11! We understand so much more...we know the Truth about our government and how they have programmed us to not question things. However, in the last ten, twenty years there have been lots of questions being asked, and answered, via the alternative media.
We are now very, very close to finally learning the Truth...and those who are still asleep, will also be learning the Truth. It is time for us all to embrace each other no matter what “side” of this matter we are on...whether they be awakened or sleeping, we all must embrace each other when the Truth comes out. Those who are awakened are going to need to be there, and be compassionate, with those people who are just waking up.
There should never be “I told you so’s, or “I don’t want to help you because I already told you about this”...please just come from the Love in your heart to assist all of those who are awakening. We must help each other because that is where our future lies...by helping each other and caring for each other...so, all these “bad” events...terrible events which have happened in the past are finally going to have meaning in a positive way.
We have learned from all of these tragedies...and we have learned that Loving one another is where we are headed. We need to speak from our hearts, not from our heads.
I want to end this message on a very positive note...that we are so very close to the Truth coming out and I want you all to be prepared to help each other, so that we can all go into the future...our new, beautiful future, together, with Love in our hearts for each other...as I have Love for all of you!
I thank you for listening to my message today...I know it was rather different, however I felt it was important for me to address it. I thank you very much, and as always, I Love you all, I am watching over you, and I am here for you.
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
Channeled by Losha
What I know about 9/11 | John F. Kennedy via Losha
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/06/2021 02:50:00 AM