Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Transmission from the Galactic Command: The Commander Speaks | Alcazar Quotes

Transmission from the Galactic Command: The Commander Speaks

The Commander speaks: "And we greet thee on behalf of the Galactic Command, on behalf of civilizations around your universe. It is time for humanity to become aware of our presence, to become aware of the universe teeming with life. Your scientists say you are alone. Your scientists say, 'We have looked and looked and have not found any evidence.' But Beloved Ones, they will not find evidence for two reasons. The first is we do not wish to be found whilst you are still fighting with each other, while you are still not caring for the homeless, not feeding the hungry. The other reason Beloveds, that you have not found us, is because you are looking in the physical dimension. We are not in the physical dimension.

But soon, more and more of you will start to connect with us, start to see us, start to communicate with us. Because, Beloved, Ones, the senses that you have in your physical body which operate in your third dimension – correspond to similar senses which can operate in the higher dimensions. But they will not operate until you raise your vibration, and not just temporarily. And so individually, a little work is needed to free yourself of the old conditioning. Conditioning from your parents, your schools, your societies, your religions. The conditioning is so old and so deep, that you do not even realize it is conditioning You think, 'Ah, this is me.'"

- The Commander of the Galactic Command

(channeled through Prageet)