“… something about the awareness path to alchemical transformation. … Gutenberg’s latest.” Credit: rightwritings.com
By Steve Beckow, May 5, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Because I regard all of life as a learning experience – the primary lesson to be learned being who we are -I create hypotheses for me to test out, which then become theorems.
Often I resolve to test a thought out because it persistently repeats itself in my consciousness.
Approaching life in this manner keeps me endlessly busy in a supremely-useful activity.
The first hypothesis I ever created, which later became for me a theorem, was that awareness varies inversely proportional to muscular tension in the body.
That makes the case for relaxation. The most dramatic demonstration of this theorem for me was when a fire broke out in a planetarium.
I should mention that my mother died in a housefire. I came to consciousness in the planetarium with a man shouting at me to sit down. So tense was I that my awareness that I had gotten up out of me seat and was making for the exit was absent.
I’ve proceeded from that first theorem, for the most part not noticing this process of creating them and then testing them out.
I imagine there’s a certain amount of past-life bleedthrough in this approach, from a life as a mathematician, a life I asked Michael never to ask me to repeat (too dry).
My latest theorem – and it’s very hard to test out – is that what motivates the overwhelming majority of people is how they feel.
I’ve been wrestling with that one for years. I’m now at the place with it where lately I’ve been taking responsibility for how I feel and doing what Suzi calls “raising my vibe, going for altitude.”
I’ve been spending meditation time consciously drawing love and bliss up from my heart and sending the love out to the world or simply sitting in the bliss.
In that state, I realize that love and bliss are constantly available to me from the supermarket of my heart, on a 24/7/365 basis, home delivery. It’s just that I distract myself and forget.
So let’s stop the camera here. We took a persistent thought and recast it as an hypothesis or theorem, in order to try it on, test it out, see what it brings.
In this case, it’s made me more aware that I’m responsible for how I feel and it’s motivated me to take steps to feel the best I can, without attracting undue attention to myself for having left the herd (if I have).
Hmmmm…. Approaching life this way makes it endlessly fascinating. What can I learn from this today? What does this reveal about my life? Group life? Human life?
Each new day I’m in the classroom. What will observation of self reveal today?
Oh oh. Here’s a new hypothesis arising: A practice of continuous self-observation will quietly process vasanas without the need for extra effort, in the ordinary course of simply living life. Hmmmm…. Fascinating. I wonder….
Seeing Life as a Learning Experience | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/06/2021 02:20:00 AM