Ride the Wave of God | Heavenletters
MAY 6 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
When there is force, it is your will, not Mine. When you force yourself to do something, something is going on. Force is control, and control is not of God.
Sometimes My children are thirsty, and they perceive that they must find water in one place and not another. So they toil hard to reach the water from their pre-designated source. Water from there, not here, they say.
I believe it is a good idea to find God where you find Him.
Wherever you are now, you can find Me, for I am there. I am most certainly there, for you are here with Me. In truth, there is no here and there is no there. Just as there is no then and now.
All is a whirling stream.
All the water splashes everywhere. You cannot catch it. It moves. What water you might catch in a pail is not the same as the water splashing. You may capture the water, but you have blocked its sunlight by catching it.
Let the water splash where it will.
Do not dam it up.
Let life flow.
This is not aimless wandering I speak of. This is not public opinion.
It is riding the Wave of God.
You catch life by not catching it.
Let it catch you.
Let it lift you.
Life lifts.
It is the depth of the ocean that gives you height.
The depth of the ocean is always there holding you up.
You are from the ocean floor.
You are not from the top of the water.
You are buoyed on the waves of the water, but the waves that buoy you come from somewhere.
That is all you need to know.
The stream of life moves you.
Let it.
Don’t be so fussy.
Don’t dictate what life has to be.
Find its shoals and its channels.
Find the deep flow of life, and let yourself be lifted.
Do not tread water.
Do not chase the horizon.
The horizon will come to your view.
Enjoy your swim in the water.
You don’t have to get out.
You don’t have to tiptoe.
You don’t have to dash.
Listen to the depths of the water and what it tells you. It will tell you when to go east and when to go west.
The water is connected to the stars and the moon. The moon pulls the water, but the water beckons the moon.
You are looking for the Supreme.
You are not looking for the mundane.
But sometimes in your search for the Supreme, you pass It by. You are so busy looking. You are so busy hunting. You are so busy just staying where you are, hesitating to go forward, holding on to where you’ve been.
Be with Me now.
You are the moon, and I call you to Me.
Our connection is deep.
I do not will you away from your path. I will you to your path.
I call you to Me. That call is Our love.
That yearning you feel is Our love calling to Itself.
Who calls? Is it you or is it I?
Which end is up? There is no end. Which is first and which is last? There is no first and last. There is Oneness.
Separation is false.
We are One.
I call Myself to Me.
Waves on the water are momentary.
Waves delight in themselves. They delight in their very existence, and they know from where they come. They know what they are and to where they return. The waves do not think about their existence. They immerse themselves in the depths of the Ocean, and they come up. They immerse themselves and leap.
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Ride the Wave of God | Heavenletters #21
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/07/2021 12:49:00 AM