Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Reconnecting to our Vastness | Alcazar Quotes
Reconnecting to Our Vastness
It might be a little difficult for the mind to accept. But there are many other very advanced civilizations in your universe. Humanity is like a very small child just beginning to learn how to walk, how to talk. These universal beings have been awakened for many millions of your earth years. Humanity is the newest civilization in this universe. And you are slowly awakening. And there are so many beings who want to support your awakening.
There are many Star Families, as we call them, who have come to Earth to support your awakening. You're discovering who you truly are. For most of you, it is hard to grasp that you can be so much more than you are. But understand that if you cannot be open to the possibility that you are so much more, then you cannot experience being so much more. You just identify yourself with this little being. Most of you still identify with being this little body. You are not this body. You are consciousness which is experiencing through this body this time around. You have been on this earth in many, many bodies before this one. You are not this body. This is just a vehicle for this particular experience. You are vast beings experiencing being human.
- Alcazar
Reconnecting to the Vastness