Monday, May 10, 2021

Nearer to God | Heavenletters #1135

Nearer to God | Heavenletters

MAY 10 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

The comfort I give to you is not idle. I do not give placebos, nor do I give platitudes.

The closer you are to your Source, the safer you feel. That is great comfort. The safer you feel, the less ensconced in your body are you. When you think you are your body, how safe can you feel, for it is a given that your body is in jeopardy. Everyone knows bodies do not last. The only thing in question is how long or how soon? There is a solidity in coming close to Me.

Coming closer to Me is like swinging in a hammock. What cares have you when you swing with Me?

Coming closer to Me hastens change in those aspects of you which are capable of change. Your perception changes. That has to be so. Life on earth is made up of your perceptions.

You may well have to say farewell to things of the past in order to move ahead.

Coming closer to Me uncovers the truth which lies in you. The truth of you is powerful glorious Holy Light shining.

Spend more time with Me in your awareness, and you carry more of Me with you more of the time.

More earth time spent with Me speeds up your evolution. It is as if the world spins faster. Perhaps it does. Of course, with Me, there is the eternalness of no time. Eternity is forever, but eternity has nothing to do with time. It has to do with Truth.

Coming closer to Me does you much good. But that is not the reason to come closer to Me. The reason to come closer to Me is because you want to come closer to Me. Come closer to Me with the love in your heart.

Come to Me because you want to be with Me more than you want something else. Come to Me because I am irresistible to you. Come to Me, not because it is useful for you, but because it is your desire to come closer to Me.

When you desire to come closer to Me, you are following My Will.

If you cannot at this moment desire with all your heart to come closer to Me for My own sake, then desire to come closer to Me so that you may know My Will. Come closer to Me then because you want to hear My Voice, because you want to know My Heart, and because you want to live My Will. Come to Me, not for gain, but for giving. Give Me you.

This is no sacrifice. You give up nothing but separation from Me, and what is separation from Me but illusion? Give it up. You have held it for long enough. Come closer to Me and enter into My heart now.

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