Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Like a Golden Ball | Heavenletters #1753

Like a Golden Ball | Heavenletters

MAY 11 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

In life, you ride on an Ocean full of waves, and the waves pull you along. It is like you ride on the concept of time.

Time is like gravity, beloved. Time pulls you down here and there and keeps you from remembering Heaven. You bobble on the waves of the Ocean as you get bogged down and forget the depths which are what really hold you up. The waves get your notice, but, ah, the depths, they support you.

Meanwhile, enjoy riding the waves with My blessings. They are for your enjoyment. The waves are wonderful surges of Eternity.

Can you imagine the Ocean without waves? What would a world be without motion? And that is all a world is, ripples and waves, sometimes calmness and sometimes Tsunami.

And so, you ride the waves of time and your hands play with the water.

The waves have fun with you. You might as well have fun with them. Just remember that they are not the gist of you. They are toys you play with. Meanwhile, as you float on the waves of time, you make splashes. New waves appear and old ones are swept away. How temporary the waves, and how established the Ocean.

The Sun beats down on the Ocean. There is great love between the Sun and the Ocean. There is no competition. They cooperate. They bless each other.

As you enjoy the water, the water enjoys you. You are reciprocal with the water. We are speaking of the water of life.

The Ocean is within you. The Ocean and its waves vibrate within you. Whatever thoughts you have, you imbibe them. They become part of you. And just as waves change and flow one into another, so must your thoughts wash away, to disappear as if they never existed. And so you rise up in the water the way a mermaid might appear, innocent and delighted with what she sees.

Innocent and unladen of old thoughts, you see what is beneath in a once crowded closet. This is openness. If your head is crowded with old thoughts, how is there room for you to see? Crowded, your mind can think but its thinking is reworking of the past. The crowded mind can see only so far as the past. It can’t see beyond it. It is as if the mind knows only certain colors and certain routes, and it cannot go beyond them.

But cleared of old thoughts and ready for the new, the mind is refreshed, and life begins.

Baptized and freed of old thoughts, now you will rise from the Ocean as the innocent mermaid or merman you are, and you will see what was always there to see but was not seen because of ancient seaweed.

You have had attachment to old useless space-taking thoughts. You have collected them as trophies, putting them on the shelf to collect dust. The trophies of memories are only trophies. They cannot bring the glory back any more than the woe. Once past, they are past. Once done, they are done. And so must you be you done with them.

Let life today be the water of life you dip into. It is the Ocean you dip into. You cannot step into yesterday’s Ocean. There is only Ocean, and it is today’s. It is not even today’s. It is this moment’s. You have a moment of Ocean. Your whole life on Earth is made of moments of Ocean, so, beloveds, sparkle them in the Sun. Play with your life in the water like a golden ball you toss up to the Sun.

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