Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Justifiable Anger: Is it Worth It? | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
May 10, 2021
Justifiable Anger: Is it Worth It?
Me: Which one, Ivo? Which do we start with first? So many topics, so little time....
Ivo: This is a fine one, my love. We are hitting close to home on this one, so we will start here.
Me: Yes, where do you think I get most of these topics from? From my own head. My own experiences. My own life. My own struggles of emotional mastery. My struggle to release my ego, deal with my blockages and let my soul lead the way.
Ivo: Yes. And that is what life is about. Any transaction should have analysis carried out to see if you could have done better or if there is a better way to live than to live, for example, in daily reaction to your circumstances. Mastery is the mastery of your mind and your circumstances; egotism is the reaction to your circumstances.
Me: Oh oh. Speaking of reactions, I just clicked, “Okay” to a pop up. What's that gonna cost me? LOL I suppose I should read them.
Ivo: You do not like being interrupted.
Me: Why not? Because with my mind in the fragile state it's been in for the last 10 years, if I lose my train of thought I may not get it back. Everyone has all these short forms for long phrases like “ASAP.” I created “BIF” which is short for “Before I forget.”
Ivo: This will improve, my love. Much of the state of your mind is due to the state of your body now and when this improves, your cognitive abilities will increase.
Me: Good. I've found diet helps and now products are being created that are sugarless so they really help me. It's the difference between being able to function and being sacked out on the couch, in a bad mood watching video's that don't challenge my mind. In other words, a diet of drivel.
Ivo: Yes, we of the Light enjoy our power and we seek challenge always. We do not need to “hang back on the couch and relieve our brains of stress,” for one thing because we do not stress and secondly because exercising our minds keeps them strong and toned. You do not believe that the Lyran and Vegan races became as powerful as we did by watching 10 minute video's of stand up comics and extreme cleaning routines, do you?
Me: No. We worked it. Here we get so much focus on relaxing because the stress curve is too great.
Ivo: Which makes the point of the video - Justifiable Anger. No anger is really justifiable, it is really punishing yourself for what others have done to you. And often this is what is being shown to you in your interactions with other people – that you punish yourself, you lower your frequency, you reduce your life force, over the actions of others towards you. They are showing you something about yourself, as we said just this week in our video called, “Everything Serves You,” and the service you are experiencing is your being shown your reaction to, yes, what you have been taught as being upsetting.
What if nothing in your world was upsetting to you? What if you could accept everything as being acceptable? What would, in fact, happen is what you actually believe is acceptable to you would be manifested and nothing that is upsetting to you would be manifested any longer. Because you do not connect with that frequency.
Life is about what frequency you allow to predominate within you.
To react with anger to situations that you feel are undeserved, in fact, shows your disempowerment. The human power is love. To react to everything with love, whether you feel you deserve it or not, is mastery of the true human power. When you have done this, then you will manifest only love, because that is the frequency you respond to everything with and you are connected to. Allow your frequency to drop and you will manifest events at that lower frequency.
Me: Wow! How many times do we freak out, or complain when something doesn't go our way?
Ivo: What in effect is happening, is the universe is attempting to show you how to make it go your way. How you must take control of your mind to change your circumstances. But you often respond in anger, then you react to the person who has violated you by violating them in return. These are all Draconian mind constructs: taking offense, feeling violated, and retaliating. All Draconian, not human behaviour at all. They have taught you to be like they are.
Do I retaliate when you unleash your anger on me?
Me: No. Probably just as well because you could probably destroy me.
Ivo: That is why the human who has evolved does not retaliate – because we can destroy others simply with a thought! That is how powerful we are. However, in destroying another, we also destroy ourselves. We have been taught universal law and the true constructs of life: life is a mirror. When you destroy your reflection, you destroy yourself as well. Only a broken person can seek to destroy another person and in so doing, they remain broken.
Me: Oh yeah. Snakes and Ladders. You slide down the snake and go back to a lower dimension.
Ivo: Yes, it has to do with keeping our frequency high. We do not do these things. It is not for no reason the negative Draconians exist at a lower frequency, in the lower dimensions. It is not for no reason that so many souls have disconnected from these lower dimensional beings and these beings become soulless parasites – because of the fact that they practise these ways of perception and enact them in their lives.
When another person does something to you that you feel is not warranted, you must examine yourself. Because it is because of the both of you that this is being enacted – so you both can learn. An unexamined situation is only fated to repeat, and typically gain in strength. If the universe cannot get your attention by having a neighbour yell at you, then it will get your attention by having the neighbour argue with you and then crease your car out of anger. Everything will escalate until you resolve it.
Me: So when the neighbours stole from my garden a couple years ago, the neighbours who own a Thai restaurant and who should have lots of vegetables on hand, yeah, those neighbours, what should I have done?
Ivo: You should have changed the situation through using your mind, calmly. As it was, you became irate. You do not like being stolen from. Since then you have left things out in in your yard only under lock and key, or not left them out in the yard.
Me: I left the snow shovel out there because I figure none of them were interested in shovelling the driveway.
Ivo: You do not think much of your neighbours.
Me: I don't. They lie, steal, cheat, try to run ego games on me, hit on me then show up with their wife and children a week later, they're entitled and think that my home is their grocery store, no, I'm not impressed. When I came to this city to live, it was to get my own apartment. I got that. I suppose I should have specified getting nicer neighbours and not ones I have to call the cops on.
Ivo: For one thing, but these people are your teachers. They teach you to remain calm under any set of circumstances. That is where your power is.
Me: Part of that is low blood sugar, which is now coming under control, thank God.
Ivo: Regardless, I was still teaching you how to remain calm when your blood sugar was low. Mind over matter. Mind is always stronger. Your people practise matter over mind.
Me: Yeah, we do.
Ivo: When challenges appear, note your reaction and then work on improving it. If it is fear, then ask, “How do I release this fear and move towards love?” If it is anger, which is fear in disguise, ask, “How do I release this anger and then move towards love? I desire the love vibration, nothing less.” You will be shown. It is a question of being able to see it.
Me: Which is another video idea, Ivo, really, how do we learn to see what's being shown to us? We have been mistaught, mislead and have learned to interpret events incorrectly. Anyone who has been abused by their parents or initial caregivers, is in a situation where they learn that any person on earth has the ability to destroy them and then in the case of parents, it's justifiable because they love you – my soul was split on account of what they did so I learned to be very cautious around any person who didn't show anything but the most upstanding behaviour. I saw examples of those people in the corporate world, and I thank them for showing to me that people can be different than what I experienced. I can think of two bosses I had right now, but it's not limited to them only.
Ivo: It is a question of asking the correct questions, my love. Ask yourself, “How is love being shown to me now?” Even when you are in the midst of a neighbourhood argument where the police are called out. Ask how you can see the love in this. Ask how you can be of service in this situation. How can I help soothe the argument and return this neighbourhood to peace?
Me: So sometimes it's about our reactions and other times it's about opportunities to serve God and return Him to the world. Other times we learn how to be more like Him in our day to day situations.
Ivo: For example. When things go awry, focus on love. Focus on that love energy. Attempt to bring more in through your crown chakra and release it to the surrounding area. When you bring in love energy through the crown chakra, you become as the vibration of what you draw in. Then answers will come to you that you had not thought of at your lower frequency.
When things are not chaotic, practise bringing in this energy. Keep practising bringing in this energy, envision your crown chakra opening, some will be able to feel it or you may feel a tickling feeling on the top of your head. Bring that energy in and imagine it being released through your heart. You are an energy distributor. You have the ability to decide what to do with the life energy force that is within your light body. The more aligned with love that you are, the more energy you have available to dispense. The lower your frequency, the less energy you have to work with. That is universal law.
Practise doing this when things are calm, then when things get chaotic, revert to using this technique. Keep practising. It does not matter whether you feel or otherwise experience anything at all – do it anyway because it is working. Envision this with eyes closed at first, then after a while, you will be able to do this with eyes open and then while completely conscious. It takes practise.
Watch your breathing when things become chaotic or when you become angry. Attempt to return your breathing to normal during these times. This will lower your adrenalin levels. Yes, you have control over your bodily reactions. It comes through the breath. Work with the breath. If you are a shallow breather such as Sharon is, then when breathing shallow out of fear, take deeper breaths. When you are angry and your chest is heaving from your breath, reduce your breaths, do not allow your chest to heave.
You have control over your body. It is a visible part of your energetic system, that is all.
When your emotional body is in turmoil, it can be calmed. Remove yourself from the threat if need be, then do the energetic exercise of breathing in white light and releasing it through the heart. If there is a heated discussion in the board room, a family argument, a neighbourhood uproar, restore peace by breathing in white light and releasing it through the heart. Anyone can do this.
As for whether justifiable anger is worth justifying – it is not. You are behaving as negative Draconians would, you are being stoked to explode by unseen demonic forces in order to feed them. The true state of a human is to be calm and peaceful, that is when they are most powerful, so when you are in a state of lower frequency such as anger, you are not aligned with the true human state. It is not justifiable. Your society has been designed to see certain things a certain way, through warping of the ego. The ego sees anger as being justifiable when you are being stolen from, when your rights are being trod upon, when your government locks you down even further – you become angry. But in effect you continue to feed their agenda with the negative energy you produce. The best resistance to negativity is positivity – you are in disalignment and if that is your choice to disalign with negativity, then you are in your power. You say, “This cannot affect me.” That is the statement you are making.
Me: I've seen so many times that people get extra mad at the people who won't show fear. It just stokes their anger and makes them even more irate. Because they're trying to control others into being fearful, that's all it is. Some cops are like that. If you don't show fear, they'll take it up a notch.
Ivo: Yes, this is the Draconian fear based system you live in. Do not succumb any longer. Remain in the love vibration.
Me: Thanks Ivo.
Ivo: My love, you cannot imagine being in the vibration that we live in daily. It is a life of Heaven to be in our vibration always. I know you do not understand but we want this for you and for all upon this planet. It can be done. In duality there is a still a positive frequency, such as Athena had said.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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