Monday, May 3, 2021

Fake Gurus and False Causes | Steve Beckow

I dunno. What does a fake guru look like?

By Steve Beckow, May 3, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Many newcomers are arriving here these days with a healthy skepticism of everyone – lightworkers, truthers, intel gurus, etc., as well as the mainstream media.

Supposing they, though sincere, end up supporting someone that professes to serve the highest ideals but turns out to be a fraud?

I’ve been there so many times in my life, you’d think I wouldn’t spring back. The most heart-breaking was a purnavatar, a full and complete Incarnation of God, turning out to be a pedophile. My world fell apart.

What happens to the devotee who serves a fake guru or a false cause? I asked the Divine Mother this question and her answer resolved my dissonance.

But rather than just cite a sentence or two, let me give the longer passage because it’s so interesting to hear how the Mother works. And then I’ll end with that.

Notice how aware she is of the life of each of us. Notice also how she discusses and participates in a soul’s lifetime design.

I was over the top knowing that whoever was speaking, behind them would be Michael.

So to return to my main point, if your service is sincere, whether the guru/cause is or is not sincere, your service, the Divine Mother says, is accepted.

Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.

Steve Beckow: Mother, I’m operating on the principle – and please correct me if I’m mistaken here – that I serve Archangel Michael, period.

If I were to go to another medium and [it transpires that] she was not channeling Archangel Michael and I were to do what was being said, and it turns out to be a colossal error, I’m still serving Archangel Michael.

Am I correct in continuing to say to myself, “The source is not who they say they are but it doesn’t matter. I’m still serving Archangel Michael.”

Divine Mother: You have reached this place of clarity. Now, dearest heart, this is exactly what I am talking about in terms of your divine knowing. And nothing is swaying you from that balanced center of knowing.

So it does not matter whether somebody says they are channeling Hilarion or Mickey Mouse. You know that you are serving my beloved Michael and I would like to suggest to you, Sweet One, not to distract you, but you are also serving me.

Steve: I so much know that, Mother.

DM: You always have. And so, yes, how we have constructed this is that you are employed, you are in joint venture, you are in sacred partnership with Michael, with Me-Ki-Al, and that is the way that you have chosen and that he has chosen and that I have chosen for you to proceed.

Steve: Yes, Mother. Thank you for confirming that.

DM: Let us give you further insight into this. So, if you were channeling with somebody and they said it was Hilarion, and in fact it was Hilarion, understand on our side the conjoining is so much stronger [with Michael] that Michael would simply funnel through Hilarion what needs to be said.

Steve: Interesting!