Wednesday, May 5, 2021

ET to Earth (Synopsis): Do you Wish that we Show up? | Suzanne Maresca

By Suzanne Maresca, May 4, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

This fascinating message was first released on October 23, 2003. It’s very long and has lately been making the rounds, even though the transmission is over 17 years old. (There’s that magic number again!)

The source of the information is unverified, but haven’t we been growing to trust our ever-expanding intuition about things over these past years? Feel free to read through the entire piece yourself. When I first read it, I found it to be compelling, but rather wordy…so we created a slightly abbreviated version.

Basically, Humanity has been been invited to exercise our free will and give our assent to (or refusal of) Extra-Terrestrial contact. At this point, it almost seems unnecessary to ask that question of the readers of this blog. For most (if not all) of us, the answer is an enthusiastic and resounding, “YES, please!”

Because there’s always the potential that deception and manipulation are afoot when faced with such a question, we simply need to specify that any agreements be in the name of the Light and that all parties involved also be of the Light.

It’s worth an exploration of what’s being said as part of this request.

Who are we?

There is no fundamental difference between you and us, save for the experience of certain stages of evolution. As with any other organized structure, hierarchy exists in our internal relationships. Ours is based upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you.

Like most of you, we are in the quest of the Supreme Being. Therefore, we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood.

Physically, we are somewhat different from you, but most of us are humanoid-shaped.

Why aren’t we visible?

For negative multidimensional beings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow of Human oligarchy, discretion is motivated by their will to keep their existence and seizure unknown.

For us, discretion is motivated by the respect of the Human free will: that people can exercise and manage their own affairs so that they can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own. Humankind’s entrance into the family of Galactic civilizations is greatly expected.

We can appear in broad daylight and help you attain this union. We haven’t done this so far, as too few of you have genuinely desired it because of ignorance, indifference or fear, and because the urgency of the situation did not justify it.

Who are you?

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time have been mutually enriched by each others’ contributions. The same applies to the races at the surface of the Earth. Your goal is to unite in the respect of these roots to accomplish a common project.

The appearance of your cultures seems to keep you separated because you substitute it to your deeper being. Shape is now more important than the essence of your subtle nature. For the powers in place, this prevalence of the shape constitutes the ramparts against any form of jeopardy.

You are being called on to overcome shape while still respecting it for its richness and beauty. Understanding the conscience of shape makes us love men in their diversity. Peace does not mean not making war, it consists of becoming what you are in reality: a unified Fraternity.

To understand this, the number of solutions within your reach are decreasing. One of them consists of contact with another race that would reflect the image of what you are in reality.

What is your situation?

Until recently, mankind lived a satisfying control of its decisions. You are now losing more and more the control of your own fate because of the growing use of advanced technologies, which lethal consequences on the earthly and Human ecosystems [may] become irreversible. You are slowly but surely losing your extraordinary capacity to make life desirable. Your resilience will artificially decrease, independently of your own will. Such technologies exist that affect your body as well as your mind. Such plans are on their way.

The education of your children and your living conditions, as well as the conditions of numerous animals and much plant life are nevertheless under the thumb of a small number of your political, financial, military and religious representatives.

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests to turn you into slaves, while at the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control of your destiny, which in essence is the reality.

Human behaviors, formed from past habits and trainings, have such an inertia that this perspective leads you to a dead end. You entrust these problems to representatives, whose conscience of common well-being slowly fades away in front of corporate interests, with those difficulties. They are always debating on the form but rarely on the content.

Just at the moment of action, delays will accumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose. This is the reason why, more than ever in your history, your decisions of today will directly and significantly impact your survival of tomorrow.

What event could radically modify this inertia that is typical of any civilization? Where will a collective and unifying awareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead?

Who are the “third party?”

There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another civilization: via its standing representatives or directly with individuals without distinction. The first way entails fights of interests, the second way brings awareness.

The first way was chosen by a group of races motivated by keeping mankind in slavery, thereby controlling Earth resources, the gene pool, and Human emotional energy.

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with the cause of the Spirit of service. We have, at our end, subscribed to this disinterested cause and introduced ourselves a few years ago to representatives of the Human power who refused our outstretched hand on the pretext of incompatible interests with their strategic vision.

That is why today, individuals are to make this choice by themselves without any representative interfering. What we proposed in the past to those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to your happiness, we propose it now to … you!

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step toward the harmony with civilizations other than yours.

That is precisely what those who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all cost, because by dividing, they reign! They also reign over those who govern you. Their strength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear in you. This considerably harms your very cosmic nature.

To defend yourselves against this aggression that bears no face, you need at least to have enough information that leads to the solution.

As is also the case with Humans, resistance exists amongst those dominant races. Here again, appearance will not be enough to tell the dominator from the ally. At your current state of psychism, it is extremely difficult for you to distinguish between them. In addition to your intuition, training will be necessary when the time has come.

Being aware of the priceless value of free will, we are inviting you to an alternative.

What can we offer?

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of life, constructive interactions, the experience of fair and fraternal relationships, liberating technical knowledge, eradication of suffering, controlled exercise of individual powers, the access to new forms of energy and, finally, a better comprehension of consciousness.

What would we receive?

Should you decide that such a contact will take place, we would rejoice over the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of the universe, fruitful diplomatic exchanges, and the intense Joy of knowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of. The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe, for its energy is Divine.

How can you answer the question, “Do you wish that we show up?”

The truth of soul can be read by telepathy. You only need to clearly ask yourself this question and give your answer as clearly, on your own or in a group, as you wish. Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does not impact the efficiency of your answer, yes or no, immediately after asking the question! Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself, but thinking about the message.

This is a universal question and these mere few words, put in their context, have a powerful meaning. You should not let hesitation get in the way. This is why you should calmly think about it, in all conscience. In order to perfectly associate your answer with the question, it is recommended that you answer right after another reading of this message.

Do not rush to answer. Breathe and let all the power of your own free will penetrate you. Be proud of what you are! The problems that you may have weaken you. Forget about them for a few minutes to be yourselves. Feel the force that springs up in you. You are in control of yourselves!

A single thought, a single answer can drastically change your near future, in one way as in another.

Your individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up on your material plan and in broad daylight is precious and essential to us.

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you, rituals are essentially useless. A sincere request made with your heart and your own will will always be perceived by those of us whom it is sent to.

In your own private polling booth of your secret will, you will determine the future.
What would be the consequences of a positive decision?

For us, the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decision would be the materialization of many ships, in your sky and on Earth.

For you, the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of many certitudes and beliefs.

A simple conclusive visual contact would have huge repercussions on your future. Much knowledge would be modified forever. The organization of your societies would be deeply up-heaved for ever, in all fields of activity. Power would become individual because you would see for yourself that we are living.

Concretely, you would change the scale of your values!

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a single family in front of this “unknown” that we would represent!

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you would indirectly force the undesirable ones, those we name the “third party”, to show up and vanish. You would all bear the same name and share the same roots: Mankind!

Later on, peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible if such is your wish. For now, he who is hungry cannot smile, he who is fearful cannot welcome us. We are sad to see men, women and children suffering to such a degree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an inner light.

This light can be your future. Our relationships could be progressive.

Several stages of several years or decades would occur: demonstrative appearance of our ships, physical appearance beside Human beings, collaboration in your technical and spiritual evolution, discovery of parts of the galaxy.

Every time, new choices would be offered to you. You would then decide by yourself to cross new stages if you think it necessary to your external and inner well-being. No interference would be decided upon unilaterally. We would leave as soon as you would collectively wish that we do.

Depending upon the speed to spread the message across the world, several weeks, or even several months will be necessary before our “great appearance”, if such is the decision made by the majority of those who will have used their capacity to choose, and if this message receives the necessary support.

The main difference between your daily prayers to entities of a strictly spiritual nature and your current decision is extremely simple: we are technically equipped to materialize!
Why such a historical dilemma?

We know that “foreigners” are considered as enemies as long as they embody the “unknown.” In a first stage, the emotion that our appearance will generate will strengthen your relationships on a worldwide scale.

How could you know whether our arrival is the consequence of your collective choice ? For the simple reason that we would have otherwise been already there for a long time at your level of existence! If we are not there yet, it is because you have not made such a decision explicitly.

Some among you might think that we would make you believe in a deliberate choice of yours so as to legitimate our arrival, though this would not be true.

What interest would we have to openly offer you what you haven’t got any access to yet, for the benefit of the greatest number of you?

How could you be certain that this is not yet another subtle maneuver of the “third party” to better enslave you? Because one always more efficiently fights something that is identified than the contrary. Isn’t the terrorism that corrodes you a blatant example?

Whatever, you are the sole judge in your own heart and soul! Whatever your choice, it would be respectable and respected! In the absence of Human representatives who could potentially seduce into error, you ignore everything about us as well as about those who manipulate you without your consent.

In your situation, the precautionary principle that consists in not trying to discover us no longer prevails. You are already in the Pandora’s box that the “third party” has created around you. Whatever your decision may be, you will have to get out of it.

In the face of such a dilemma, one ignorance against another, you need to ask your intuition: Do you want to see us with your own eyes, or simply believe what your thinkers say? That is the real question!

After thousands of years, one day, this choice was going to be inevitable: choosing between two unknowns.

Why spread such a message among yourselves?

Translate and spread this message widely. This action will affect your future in an irreversible and historical way at the scale of millenniums. Otherwise, it will postpone a new opportunity to choose to several years later…at least one generation, if it can survive.

Not choosing stands for undermining other people’s choice. Not informing others stands for running the risk of obtaining a result that is contrary to one’s expectations. Remaining indifferent means giving up one’s free will.

It is all about your future. It is all about your evolution.

It is possible that this invitation does not receive your collective assent and that, because of a lack of information, it will be disregarded.

Nevertheless, no individual desire goes unheeded in the universe.

Imagine our arrival tomorrow…thousands of ships. A unique cultural shock in today’s history of mankind. It will then be too late to regret about not making a choice and spreading the message, because this discovery will be irreversible. We do insist that you do not rush into it, but do think about it! And decide!

The big medias will not be necessarily interested in spreading this message. It is therefore your task, as an anonymous yet an extraordinary thinking and loving being, to transmit it.

You are still the architects of your own fate…