Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Do not Fear Loneliness | Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe

(Golden Age of Gaia)

By Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. I greet you all in love and friendship. We are the equals of one another.

You are part of a group of souls who are on Earth to help with a change of consciousness that spans the entire world. It is a fundamental change of perspective in the ways of looking, feeling, and acting. This change is necessary because life on Earth is changing. Conscious-ness wants to grow further, and not only among humans, but also in nature: the animal and plant kingdoms, the whole of the Earth. There is an urge for innovation, a new birth.

You have heard the call of the Earth and heard the call of humanity. You want to be part of this consciousness transformation and you are pioneers and leaders; sometimes against your own wishes. You carry something in your heart: a budding heart consciousness that makes you suitable for this role as forerunner, as innovator. Feel this in your heart.

Connect with your heart. Feel the expansion and the silence in your heart and know that you are waiting for something – for renewal. You want to help the new reality on Earth, which is what you are called to do. You are being encouraged from within, because it is your soul that demands it of you.

There is love in you for life on Earth. In a way, you are a parent, a mother and a father, for life on Earth, for consciousness here. You want to help it, as well as your own uniqueness, to flourish; you want to realize your true nature. Feel the nurturing, loving energy in your heart and that it is an expression of what you are. Feel the warmth and love you want to share with the Earth and all beings. You have matured as a soul. You have experienced much and lived through much, through all kinds of lives on Earth and elsewhere.

This is a lifetime of integration, of becoming whole, where you are again bringing back all the lost parts of yourself and surrounding them with light so that the flower that you are can open and bloom, so that its radiance, its light and sweet smell, can spread. Feel that flower in your heart. See if there is something that symbolizes it: a color, a form. See or feel the flower in your heart and now ask how this flower can become rooted in the Earth and, especially, in your daily reality. Imagine this flower in its most radiant form, pure and pristine, and refined by so many experiences. Feel how precious is this gift you have to share on Earth. Then ask the question: “Is there room for this flower in my daily life, in the work I do, in the environment where I am?”.

Take a situation in which you often find yourself, whether it is work, or a relationship in which you have doubts or feel something is missing or does not flow well. Imagine that you are in the midst of that situation and then see how the situation affects the flower in your heart, how it reacts. The flower is a living being; it is either nurtured or smothered by a certain influence or situation. Look at what you can do to feel good in this environment, or with these people, or in this work. What does this flower need to be itself, to be inspired, and to be able to radiate?

Sometimes that flower in your heart needs more protection. Sometimes you absorb too much of your surroundings, of the people around you: energies which can deplete your energy, because they do not suit you well. If you absorb too much or give too much – and taking on too much of the energy of others is a form of giving – your flower withers, gets exhausted. In order to remain vital, it is necessary to restrict what comes in and to protect yourself.

See what you need in that situation, and what kind of boundaries can best serve you – then give that to yourself, energetically. Imagine that you surround the flower in your heart with either a color or a force that completely protects the flower. Or it is possible that you see something completely different; for example, a symbol, such as a knight or a sword, or some kind of clear boundary. Allow yourself to set firm limits for an open heart.

This is a problem for many of you, a thorny issue. Your heart is open and should remain so, because that is who you are now on your evolutionary journey as a soul. Your heart is consciously open and well-developed – this is who you are. At the same time, you move in a world, in an energetic environment, where the heart consciousness of many situations is still only dormant, not fully awakened. There is a lot of fear and hostility and misunderstanding, in other words, negativity, and against that you need to protect yourself.

How do you do that? By being aware of what the energy outside you does to you and not giving what is impossible for you to give and in where it is not well received. Thus, to discern very accurately where your energy is valued, where it flows, and where it does not. Where it is not flowing, where there is resistance, it rebounds on to you. And this can be painful, because sometimes you are very committed to another, especially to those you hold dear, or when it is your neighbor. If that person cannot receive your energy, because their heart is not open in the way that yours is, then it means that there is distance between you. If you know how to protect yourself, a certain feeling of withdrawal happens, and that can be experienced as painful. But if you do not, if you give too much of yourself, you do harm to yourself and it deprives the flower in your heart of its radiance and energy. So realize that the love in your heart must be disciplined, strict, and take good care of itself.

You often fear solitude and loneliness. Precisely because you are developed, and often cannot vibrate with the energies outside you, you distance yourself from others or you do not feel at home in the world. This is part of your path. You are different; you bring something new. Do not fear the loneliness. If you are to remain who you are and to really allow yourself sufficient protection, you need to connect only where you feel you are received, where you are appreciated. When you allow this strict discipline, which is actually a form of standing up for yourself, and you learn to adopt this rigor, you will attract connections with the world that will nourish and inspire you.

If you choose very consciously what feels good, what is truly inspiring for you, then it seems that in the beginning everything falls away that you once held dear, but you open the way for something new: for more spaciousness for yourself, for true self-realization. Learn to receive; you are not here only to give. Only by both giving and receiving will the flower of your heart develop.

The developed heart consciousness takes root in the daily, earthly reality. To take good care of yourself is to respect your heart energy; to respect the love that wants to be born on Earth. The heart consciousness in you is not separate from the heart consciousness in other people: heart consciousness is by definition not separate. The more you know that the heart consciousness within yourself is protected, and the more you move consciously and freely in this world, the stronger will be your connection with the overall heart consciousness on Earth.

There is a connection between you and like-minded people on Earth that you can not always see or feel, but it is there just the same – also with friends and guides on our side. The more you dare to really be yourself and to express yourself on Earth, the more that inner bond, that inner connection to your soul family – those kindred spirits – is enhanced and becomes stronger.

To conclude, I ask you to open your heart to the kindred energies on Earth and on the other side, on our side. Feel that you are supported. You are not alone, even though it sometimes seems so. There is present an overwhelming amount of love and gentleness, humor and support. Receive it; receive this energy. Allow yourself to be nourished and inspired. Allow yourself to get what you need. You are valuable, and to give form to the new energy on Earth, you have to take care of yourself so you can become the channel you are meant to be. In this way, you are connected.

I greet you all with reverence and respect.