An Article of Great Importance by Sarah Varcas
-contributed by Parisse Deza
I wish to share this bold and brilliant statement from Sarah Varcas, astrologer, about the times we are in and what is being called for. Her message, like my own, is that now is the time to drop all pretense of weakness and non-deservance, and take up the mantle of power that we have been given by the divine source.
Please read the whole article here:
No More Saviours
As we straddle the border between the receding Piscean Age and the burgeoning Aquarian one, the temptation to retreat into the Piscean shadow of victim consciousness is still strong and our self-appointed saviours and gurus are many. But this victim consciousness must end. It has to stop now. We’ve been brainwashed across decades into believing we are vulnerable and powerless, that we need the special experts who know what’s best for us. That we must bow to their superior knowledge and be grateful for the scraps of freedom that fall from their table. This is a lie. We are not vulnerable nor powerless. We are power beyond measure and more radiant than the sun. We are perfectly capable of assessing risk, making decisions, looking after ourselves and each other without doing so out of paralysing fear. Instead we can do it out of love and wisdom, instinct and intuition. We can do it with courage and insight. Like an animal who smells threat on the air and knows when and where to seek safety, we can spot our predators and neutralise their threat by the simple reclamation of our sovereign right to live free.
Our humanity will save us
When all is said and done, our humanity will save us. Not a further decline into separation, vilification and blame. To love we must live from the inside out, drawing from the source of well-being and wisdom that resides at our core. Not be played like a puppet by those who demand our submission. Cliché though it may be, love is the answer. Not yielding and placating love but wild, vibrant, unrelenting love which knows no bounds and believes no lies. This love speaks hard truths and holds us to account. It holds up a mirror and insists we stare into it unflinching. An on-going square between Pluto and Eris demands we see ourselves as we are. Forces of nature. Spirit embodied. Sovereign, resplendent and free. If we don’t, we diminish ourselves and embolden the tyrants of this world. So cherish yourself, think for yourself. Put two and two together, stand tall and speak your truth, bold as bold can be.
It really is time to choose…. love or fear… courage or surrender… sovereignty or tyranny. Rarely have we been faced with such a far-reaching and urgent decision. I can’t stress this enough! We are midwives of the Aquarian Age, right here, right now, in every choice we make, each minute of every single day. We must all play our part in the great awakening. The new age is drawing near.
Sarah Varcas
Parisse Deza is a new age Renaissance man, a visionary with 48 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.
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