By Steve Beckow, May 26, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Certain rules apply to us if we’re swimming in water that don’t apply to us if we’re walking on land.
If we’re swimming in water, we remove our boots. If we’re walking on land, we put our boots back on. The circumstances are different and require different approaches.
I was going over how to communicate some things to a spiritual group I’ll be addressing. I encountered the same difficulties I always do.
I can’t find words to communicate a higher-dimensional thing or event (walking on dry land) in words that make sense to our everyday consciousness (swimming in water).
Eventually enough people will share the higher context and we’ll all just know what the other is talking about. You know?
Now it’s all blank stares. And it feels lonely. In the growth movement, we spoke about “thrownness.” My “thrown” direction is to forget about having seen the Promised Land (the open heart). Just be quiet. Get on with it.
But that’s ridiculous. All of us who can hold the light are destined to see – and inhabit – the Promised Land, to use that metaphor. Communicating about it is not a hopeless task.
But, until then, I have to use metaphors: The higher dimensions are like freshly-squeezed orange juice, this dimension is like Tang; lightning and the lightning bug; dry land and water, etc.
All one can do is point. But as Rajneesh said, don’t look at my finger; look at what it’s pointing at.
What is it pointing at? The answer will always come down to love and, through that, truth. Why? Because the purpose of life is to know the truth of who we are and the means to do that is through love. (1)
Everything that’s been said about love is true. We don’t realize it because we cannot imagine what the love is like that the prophets, sages, saints and mystics are all pointing to.
One of the reasons for that may be that our imagination is too dulled down by dragging these carbon-based physical bodies around all day. Compared to what life is like outside the body (imagine Tinker Bell), which I’ve experienced, (2) life inside is like walking around in a clanking suit of armor. We don’t notice it because it’s all we know.
So long as the hridayam or heart aperture is closed, so long is it “Access Denied” to the inner tsunami of love. So long as the hridayam is closed, so long is there a granthi or knot in consciousness, a knot of ignorance, obscuring the truth.
The closed hridayam separates the air inside the balloon from the air outside. Only that knot in the balloon prevents us from knowing that we are air (or God).
Ascension sees that aperture open for good, that knot in consciousness be dissolved, and our vasanas or core issues be burned to a crisp.
Welcome to a whole new world. Awash in love. Abundant in the very thing which, it turns out, is all we’ve ever sought, lifetime after lifetime.
(1) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf or enter “purpose of life” in the search box.
(2) I had an out-of-body experience in 1977. Tinker Bell was a character in J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan and Walt Disney movies, a fairy who had a magic wand. The etheric body, which I assume I was in, is like the finest gossamer, a spider’s silk, or the down at the base of a feather compared to the suit of armor it operates in while in the body. One flies around like Tinker Bell in the astral form while one clanks around in the physical body.
All We've Ever Sought, Lifetime After Lifetime | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/26/2021 11:34:00 PM