Thursday, May 6, 2021

Abundance is a Flow | Alcazar Quotes

Abundance Is a Flow

Beloveds, it is important to understand that abundance is not a gathering, a claiming of more and more things, of more and more friends, of more and more of everything. Abundance is a flow. This can be seen very easily with your money. Money coming in without it going out is useless. It's bits of paper. Or numbers in a bank account. It is useless until you actually use it. So, the outflowing is just as important as the in-flowing. This applies to all levels of your life. The outflowing needs to happen in a generous, loving, thoughtful, caring way. It is important to understand the energetics behind this flow. It is important not just to give, give, give, thinking that this will create more coming in. It is about being in the flow of existence.

- Alcazar

Superconscious Creating