April 20, 2021
Saw a few of your messages....
When I get help in the office, some assistants, I will probably be more open to one on one communication with others. The reason I don't do it now is because I have so much work to do, and responding to hundreds if not thousands of emails from people, some who seek advice and friendship as well, would be impossible. I focus on the greater good and the expectation is that you learn to utilize what Ivo and I channel in order to help yourself. I know some of you are doing this, so more power to you. I deal with feeling overwhelmed every day and it has to do with many things, so trying to do the impossible isn't going to help me. Others can do what they like – that's their prerogative. I have my own.
As for the woman who complained I said she won't meet her twin flame in this lifetime, yes, don't expect mass landings to happen for quite a while, perhaps twenty to thirty years. The only time that ETs will land in large groups is when all earthlings stop fearing they're going to take over the planet, stop being hostile towards them and stop trying to kill them, and when we can understand that they're here to help us, and not do everything for us. If you want to physically meet with your twin flame, either buy or rent a camper and go far out into nature where there are no people. Any spot that would facilitate landing a craft without being seen and you have a better chance of meeting them. If you have telepathic contact with them now, then arrange a spot where they can land. Otherwise, we'll most likely be building a hotel at our solar city and you can fly there and either stay in the hotel, or just stay in accommodation provided to you, and meet with them that way.
The other thing I want to point out to her and to others who are here on planet earth: YOU are the ones who left your loved ones behind. So don't be upset that you can't see them now – it was your choice to leave them. They had to undergo a horrible separation process when you left, understanding what you would be going through here, and some have chosen to help guide you or not, but it was your choice to undergo what you have gone through here on earth, unpleasant as it may be, not their choice. I know some TF's who have protested your choice, even, so don't blame them for not showing up or lament the fact you may not be with them in this lifetime – you knew the rules and your TF is only letting you fulfill your contract on earth – SO THEY CAN GET YOU BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
I am sympathetic, but I'm not. I know how it feels. But you chose this. You volunteered. Nobody forced you. Your TF may even have begged you not to go. You have responsibilities to this earth now and your life is your contribution.
The other thing your twin flame realizes is that if they show up in your life now, before you get the bulk of your life's work finished, you may become fixated upon them, not in honouring your contract with the Light. So their presence in your life now may well take you off your path and slow down your finishing your life's obligations, and thus delay your returning back to them full time even longer.
My ignorance of my life's process and the work I came here to do has not budged Ivo one iota. He firmly holds me to my life's contract and the goals I set out to complete. The fact that I, as a personality, don't remember them, doesn't make any difference. And he has told me – it's so that he can get me back as soon as possible.
Ivo and I have a working relationship. You may not have this with your twin flame. They may not even be guiding you in this lifetime. Before you came here, you chose who you needed to have in your earth life according to what agreement you had to fulfill, not to fulfill your personal needs. If you guys have had an experience anything like what I have had, you'll realize this isn't the place to get personal needs fulfilled. As a matter of fact, it's more the place to get your work done despite their constantly reminding you they are still left unfulfilled.
Your work on earth has nothing to do with your personality other than transforming it. Your personality (your ego), frankly, often just gets in the way. Your work has to do with aligning with your soul and doing what your soul came to earth to do. Until that job is fulfilled, knowing your twin flame may only get in the way. For some it will, for others it won't. It depends on what you came here to do. Some of you came here to hook up with an earthling and have children with them. So knowing your twin flame, pursuing your twin flame, would be a definite problem. Some, obligingly, stay out of the way.
I may not be making any friends here, but I say it the way I see it. And I learn what I know from Ivo and other ETs I talk to.
It was good to hear Charlie Ward describing how the QFS works in his video of this week with Simon Parkes. He said that the QFS works by 5D frequency only, and if you find yourself indulging in projects that don't meet that standard, you'll find yourself cut off. Ashtar Sheran told us this years ago. I always like to hear what I've channeled years ago hitting the alternative news media airwaves.
On with the topic of our video.
Your Conscience
Me: This is what I know about my conscience. If I'm about to do something I shouldn't, I feel a guilty pang. If I'm doing something I should be doing, I don't feel bad. I've used this system throughout my entire life and it's served me well. Whenever I feel badly about doing something, I think about it. Sometimes I do it anyway. Like eating sugar. I'm sure I felt loads of guilt over doing it for years, but ultimately I seem to have disconnected from my higher self's reaction to doing it. Now I bake sugar free, I've just started, and thank God for that. I have control over my snacking again. For me, sugar is a drug that extremely alters my mind, creating great highs and lows. Giving it up is a blessing. Using these substitutes is a godsend.
I'm re-reading Barbara Reed Stitt's book on criminals who ate bad diets and how she reformed them and kept them out of the system by improving their diets. It's called, “Food and Behavior,” and I've mentioned it before. She's talking about low blood sugar and how crazy it makes people.
Ivo, are there other ways to utilize conscience over and above a basic “right” or “wrong” response like I've been doing? Let's say people can't hear their higher selves but they want guidance.
Ivo: There are definitely ways to do so, my love. Some seek physical manifestations that they are on the correct path. And this is a valid response.
Me: Like my sister looking for four leaf clovers?
Ivo: It depends on what is the question being asked, of course. If she is looking for something the way one would search in Ireland, then this is the correct thing to do.
Me: You mean, only the Irish should look for four leaf clovers?
Ivo: Faeries sit underneath them, it is said.
Me: We have faeries.
Ivo: Was she looking for faeries?
Me: Me, no she was probably looking for money.
Ivo: Then she should have been finding other omens.
Me: She found Jim.
Ivo: LOL Yes, who provided her with very little. And attempted to teach her how to gain her own.
Me: What a taskmaster.
Ivo: Indeed, he was correct. He knew it was easy to manifest money. He could do it very easily. She in fact attracted what she needed. Someone who was not going to let her get away without learning. She was accustomed to earning through dependency upon a man, however the earth's energies right now will not support her in that endeavor. Women do not become empowered relying upon men to earn for them. In the instance they have children, this would be the exception. Even so, many choose to still earn as your world is moving away from the traditional way of earning money: working at a job.
Me: Hmm. So what omens do you look for if you're trying to make money?
Ivo: If you are attracting the correct thing, look for easy ways to earn money. You are setting up a shop on zazzle where you will be selling your artwork, finally, your photography on cards, t-shirts and coffee mugs. Was this easy for you to do?
Me: Yes.
Ivo: Then you see it is in the cards for you.
Me: Oh. Okay.
Ivo: You have a design background and your photography is lovely. So you can make some extra money from selling these items and it is low hassle for you as well as zazzle will take care of all the printing and shipping details.
Me: That's where I got my bumper stickers from. Like that one that says, “My other car is a UFO.” LOL
Me: What if someone is looking for love? What omens do they have to look for?
Ivo: Whether you love yourself is the first omen. If you do not love yourself, why do you expect someone else to do it for you?
Me: Yes.
Ivo: However, some people say they can “feel it” that someone is close, and this is because they are able to assess how effective their magnetic abilities are. You do this to a certain degree.
Me: I do. I wish I could get a fix on how close you landing and my getting this house is, but I can't.
Ivo: Because you have so much other thinking in the way which fogs your ability to sense its closeness.
Me: Yes, I guess.
But it's so easy, though, having your higher self go, “Nope!” or “Na uh!” or “yeah, do it,” just by listening inside.
Ivo: It is.
Me: Why don't we get these signals with everything we have to do?
Ivo: Because the way would be led for you instead of your having to create it. You are here upon earth as the creator part of your being. With your higher self leading the way all the time, your personality would never be formed into the being she wishes to have to house herself upon earth. She will simply tell you right from wrong, and possibly you allowed it because this is the christian way and that has been allowed within your culture. There are people who do not hear this signal at all.
Me: Yes. People who don't care about what's right probably don't make a point of developing that ability or listening for that cue.
Ivo: For example. Sigrid had tried to tell you things that she wished you to do however you did not listen. Your rational mind said she was incorrect so you took the bus and ended up on the side of the road with journey unfinished and went to the store without the cash when she told you their debit was not functioning. Your higher self is trying to figure out a way to get you to listen to her, so she can save you all sorts of trouble. She will begin with less meaningful ways such as these examples.
However, you do not always listen. If you did listen, you would be finding that she would tell you whether to buy these pills or do not buy those pills before you purchase them. But you insist on using “trial and error” as your method – the intellectual method. You could ask her but how often do you listen to what she says?
Me: LOL (embarrassed laugh)
Ivo: Ask her next time you order pills or a book on Amazon. Then see what feeling you get or she may talk directly to you. If it feels like a positive feeling, then order the item. If it does not, do not order it. There is a reason. Perhaps a better product that she will steer you to purchase if you allow her to guide you.
Me: Oh. That's pretty cool.
Ivo: It is. She wishes the best for you, my listeners, your higher self does not wish to mislead you. And it is always a matter of trusting the process. Will you make mistakes with it? Perhaps you will. But that does not mean to stop any attempts at doing so.
Me: So I should buy the Cortisol Support as soon as I can?
Ivo: You realize it does work for you, so you have already had success with your intellectual process of hit and miss, my love. You can do better. When you consider something new, ask Sigrid or Athena.
You will only be strengthening your inner connection and weakening your outer connection.
Me: What happened yesterday, Ivo, when I was at the park? I was sitting there in the sun and I had this overwhelming emotional feeling of, “This is so wonderful! Feel this energy! It feels so free and so invigorating!” And then I compare that to living where I am, only a mile or two away, and that feels like hell some days. When the sun is out, it feels better but I have to move to the country. It's becoming urgent now. What was that about?
Ivo: It is to tell you to listen to me. That is the process you must follow. You are attempting to go out into the country any way you can now. But I am the way. I am your next step, my love. This is what you are confirming to yourself. You must be patient.
Me: I hate when you say that!
Ivo: I realize this.
Me: Okay, thank you, Ivo. I believe there are people out there who have other ways to connect with their higher self that we haven't discussed. These are just things that I've noticed in myself, and as Ivo says, I can work on strengthening them.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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