By Vidya Frazier, April 23, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
And welcome back, Graham, as well! (1)
April 22, 2021
What Will 5D Earth Be Like?
And How Can We Begin to Live in 5D NOW?
I was recently asked to speak on zoom to people who were part of a world-wide group known as Connecting Consciousness, an organization that was originally formed by Simon Parkes.
The main topic was the 5D Earth, but there were many other topics I covered, especially as discussion and questions arose. The video is below.
Some of the topics include what exactly 5D is, what the New Earth will be like, and how to begin living in 5D consciousness NOW, even before the Earth makes its shift. I offer a short guided meditation on how to create a “5D Bubble” in order to keep in a high frequency of love and light and peace, no matter what is happening.
I also discuss the many challenges of the 4D transition we’re currently facing, such as that of loneliness and having to wait till we are finally with our Soul Families. Also, inevitably, we had discussion about how to be with family and friends who are not on the ascension path, especially those who have taken the shot and are still in fear.
At the end of the call, callers shared what most excited them about the New Earth we are all anticipating. The call was graciously hosted by Graham Dewyea.
(1) Graham may be remembered as the founder of InLight Radio and the creator of An Hour with an Angel and Heavenly Blessings.