A guy in a diner
By Steve Beckow, April 6, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I was saying earlier that wealth can magnify one’s sense of entitlement, one’s resolve that “I won’t take this anymore.”
In the worst case scenario, the inner Hitler emerges and we become a little – or a large – dictator.
Events are conspiring – and I won’t name names because people have a right to their privacy – to mirror back to me my own sense of entitlement.
Gawd, is it painful to see oneself as one is. My sense of entitlement hit a dead-end road recently by virtue of my having been in a very sattwic (Hindu term for “pure”) setting.
My ways of being stood out starkly visible. So here we go. Another vasana (or core issue), right?
I’ve never found myself able to process a vasana if it hasn’t already been triggered. That may be just me.
But this one’s up! Time for me to process it. Let’s take a look.
Oh my gawd. This vasana goes all the way back to me as a very young child, the runt of the litter. Never being listened to. Developing strategies to be listened to, like complaining.
That’s the first way the twig was bent and the tree inclined.
Over the years, I add to this a second strategy of “being right” and top it off with a third strategy, developing a robust sense of entitlement (no one’s going to mess with me).
All of this is going on at a subconscious level, but it’s all now rising to the surface like lava, that pushes surface rock away.
Wealth can magnify our vasanas. I’m sure of it. I’ve seen it in others. I can’t warn us enough.
If I don’t complete this vasana before I become the CEO of a large group of companies, I risk becoming a dictatorial braggart. A guy in a diner, Werner used to say, a blowhard, like the guy in the rocking chair (above).
It’s up to experience and realization. A sense of entitlement is a dead-end road. Time to get off it.
I don’t know what comes next. Just time to stop. I suspect that, in the end, it’ll turn out that there’s nothing more to do than that.
One final note, however, before I go. Notice that this experience and realization all happened because I entered a setting more sattwic or pure than the one I currently inhabit. And look at the discomfort that that brought on.
Now picture me entering the Fifth Dimension, and how much purer those beings are. I’d implode from seeing my own pretensions. I’d go through the spiritual equivalent of the bends and have to decompress.
The manner in which our vasanas are being revealed right now (everything hid shall be known) reflects the rising love energies. It shows how necessary it is for us to be prepared – but gradually – for the more refined life of the higher energetic planes, ahead of us, if we want to avoid discomfort and pain.
It isn’t that someone’s keeping something from us. Our bodies and minds – and most of us don’t even know what’s really happening – require us as a species to make the transition slowly.
I just got an experience of rapid decompression and it was just about as uncomfortable as I think I could bear. And I already know to expect my vasanas to be in my face. I know what’s happening. Doesn’t matter: Pretense is pretense.
Imagine the depression of a person whose vasana was triggered but they had no idea why they were feeling the way they did (say, humiliated and dismayed), what they were feeling, what it all meant, etc.
And yet the rising love energies are squeezing every last issue, resentment, judgement, etc., out of us, like a lump of dough. I will prepare you for God’s oven, an offering for God’s table.
I am in the oven. I’m tempted to say we are in the oven.
I invoke the universal law and Sanat Kumara to take this sense of entitlement from me.
Wealth Can Magnify our Vasanas | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/07/2021 02:55:00 AM