(Golden Age of Gaia)
Divine Mother ~ Transmuting Toxins & Disease
This inspiring gem is lovingly shared by Hairol from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Divine Mother: Disease is simply an incongruence; it is a malfunctioning of the human belief system in terms of how things work at their most basic. And, as you well know, the entire planet right now is obsessed with dis-ease! …
Hairol: How will I avoid receiving the annual flu shot required by [university name]?
DM: You do not need to necessarily avoid it, [although] that is very easily done if you should so choose. But one of the things that you are doing, sweet angel, is also learning and teaching how people can transmute all kinds of toxins, diseases, or simply what is in the very air they are breathing.
So you may transmute this substance with the Violet Flame, which you well know already, or you can simply use my Blue Diamond Flame as well.
H: Oh, so it’s the same thing with the coronavirus vaccine, just in case [university name] decides to require that as well?
DM: That is correct.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
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Transmuting Toxins and Disease | Divine Mother via Linda Dillon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/30/2021 11:33:00 PM