The Dream Dreamed Itself | Heavenletters
APR 10 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
To say that I am your strength does not take away from you. To say that I am your strength is to say that you are strong. From the depths of My heart, you stand tall in Creation. You are far away from nothing at all. You are close to All That Is. You are All That Is.
You are an experiencer. You experience rain, and you experience sun and lightning. It is not a great leap then to say then that you are the rain, the sun, and lightning. If you experience yourself, then this must be so. You are the elements of Creation. You are the guitar that plays, and you are the guitar played, and you are All That Is. The hand that plays the guitar is Mine, and it is yours. We discern one another, and yet We are One, and there is no other to discern except in make-believe.
Otherness is fiction, and you read a lot. You go beyond imagination. You imagine untruth. You fictionalize Truth. You chase phantoms. You embellish a simple Truth. The Truth is We are One. You, I, We are a many-colored song, and it is ’tis of thee We sing, and it is ‘tis of Me We sing. All songs are a variation of the One Song. I play a flute of One Note, and you hear trills. You are the trills that hear themselves.
You don’t know what you are doing, and you don’t fully know Who you are, and yet that is the masquerade, for you are a Full-Knower Who has not yet let on to himself or herself what is common knowledge yet not disclosed.
You are the rudiments of Creation. You are the All-Knower. You are the All-Known. And you are the process of Knowing and not letting on that you know. You are the butterfly who has alit on the sweet nectar, yet you are a butterfly who says: “Am I here yet? Have I reached the sweet nectar yet? I feel separate from the sweet nectar I drink.”
The butterfly is a symbol. All of Creation is a symbol. I speak of All That Is when there is nothing at all, nothing at all but One Love playing as though it were many. You are not One of Many. You are One of One. This seems impossible to you even as you explore the depths of possibility. You hope this is true even as it is beyond your conception even when it is your conception. You conceived this as much as I conceived this. I dreamed a dream of Myself, and you are My dream. Even as you are the Total Reality, you are My dream. Therefore, you are your dream, and yet the dreamer knows, suspects, is pretty sure that he or she is in a dream. The dreamer is the dream dreamed. And yet, you are My dream come true for all to know and all to smile at.
There was a dream that you were an individual. The dream dreamed itself, and you latched on to it.
Oneness took a walk and saw many sights. One traversed the Earth as One abided in Heaven. Abide in Me, beloveds. There is nothing else to do. Even as you walk the world, you abide in Me. It is a foregone conclusion, and yet you have to remind yourself. This is what it means to say you never walk alone, you Who are One. Oneness accompanies Itself. Oneness rolls over in joy.
God in many forms says to Himself/Herself, “I am One.” And I, Who you are, smiles and says, “Amen.”
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The Dream Dreamed Itself | Heavenletters #3617
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/10/2021 03:33:00 PM