By Steve Beckow, April 5, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I was having a discussion which revolved around pedophilia and Epstein and I found myself saying, for the second time recently, I don’t know anything about why someone would visit, stay on at, or return to Jeffrey Epstein’s island. I really don’t.
To say something intelligent about it, it’d have to be in my field of experience or memory or something. It takes one to know one. Like that. But the problem is: I ain’t one.
Why would a person torture a young child and capture their adrenochrome-rich blood? Why would someone else buy it and drink it? I tell you: I don’t know. I wouldn’t do it. My insides revolt at the thought.
In 2018 I watched Frazzledrip at Xenia Retreat Center and that sent me into such a nosedive that it took a spiritual experience to rescue me. (1)
I hope I never have to watch anything so horrifying in my life again. And I wish I could get it out of my mind but I can’t.
Once an image gets in, we can’t get it out. I’m quite sure the Alliance has taken this into account in designing their presentations.
Because “we ain’t one,” we can’t probably … no, we can’t possibly … imagine the depths of depravity which this group of dark souls has sunk to. We don’t know what’s about to hit us when child trafficking is discussed.
Remember George Bush Sr. saying if we knew all that they’ve done, we’d lynch them from the nearest lamp post? I think his fear is well founded. For some of them, Gitmo will be a refuge, a sanctuary.
So I absolutely get the message. We need to rescue the children. It needs to be our first priority after the Reval – and before. Spare no effort. At all costs.
At the same time, there are limits to what can be shared and received, for the sake of people’s mental health.
“I ain’t one” and there’s a limit to how much revelation I can take in before I disappear into emotional shock and secondary trauma.
I’m reporting on my excursions into the darkness in the hopes that you’ll read this and not need to go there if you don’t have to.
We do need honest witnesses to the truth. (2) But not everyone needs to serve in that capacity.
(1) The experience is covered here but I didn’t mention much about watching Frazzledrip, only coming out of the depths I sent myself into after watching it: “Original Innocence,” Sept. 21, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/09/21/original-innocence-2/
Moreover it wasn’t just the video, but I also saw photographs that were so hideous that I don’t even want to discuss them to this day.
(2) “Every Society Needs Honest Witnesses to the Truth,” January 5, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/01/05/every-society-needs-honest-witnesses-to-the-truth/
Takes One to Know One? But I ain’t One | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/06/2021 01:18:00 AM