Friday, April 16, 2021

Riding the Horse in the Direction it's Going | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, April 14, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Most people define their careers in terms of what exists. And they fit into a possibly well-defined career description.

My first career – history – had not been well defined the two subfields – cultural history and evolutionary history – that I chose to specialize in at the time (1968-73). But to go further I have to give an item of contextual background.

I’m a Starseed from Arcturus. I’ve been here before a total of eight times, which is not much, apparently. I’m considered an occasional visitor, part of the change-management team.

Evidently, we are, all of us lightworkers, an Ascension team. Arcturians, I’m led to believe are especially committed to Ascensions. I’m not sure what the others might be interested in. Halion engineers, healers of Tralana – in some cases, the name says it all.

But all of this explains why I’d end up in the study of Earth’s history, I think. Looking back on it.

And it explains why I’d end up in the two subfields – cultural history and evolutionary history – when all around me were studying the narrowly-historical (biography, history of a party, company, war).

Cultural history is the study of societies and their common patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior through discrete time (years, decades), or non-discrete time (periods, ages, eons), or in past eras viewed as a whole (the Victorian period, the Edwardian). It straddles all three.

Cultural history, as it was practiced then, tends to be elaborate snapshots of different eras, what social scientists called structural-functionalist views, when I went to school. They built on the numerous biographies and narratives.

Their snapshots of the entire society and its culture then became the raw material for the evolutionary historian, who abstracted from them even more.

Evolutionary history is the study of whole classes of events through non-discrete time. The development of the nation state in Europe. The evolution of the priestly class in Middle Egypt. The development of world trade. Anthropologists (like Leslie White) (1) call this an evolutionary or developmental view.

Does it not make sense that a stranger to these parts would immediately begin with the study of its generalized history? Especially if he knows he’s to be a writer or communicator? OK, if he just feels it in his bones.

This is just one example of how our lives make sense, when viewed retrospectively.

But let me continue looking backwards.

I returned to university to study Sociology but that stint was interrupted by an event that permanently ended my university career – a vision of the purpose of life, in 1987. (2) My requests to be permitted to study enlightenment were denied.

From that moment onwards, I wanted only to study spirituality in an environment free of academic control. I left the paradigm of empirical materialism completely.

When I look backwards and see where all this has led, I have more confidence in taking the next step. I see how each piece fit until now; why would it be different in the future?

I need to build my confidence because my own personal history of shattering abuse militated against it.

I’m moving from being the Humpty Dumpty Man to being a man in his own right, ready to serve the Divine Mother in whatever capacity she’s already determined.

I’m becoming more and more comfortable with the thought that some next steps may be consequential. I feel ready.

I believe that we can all look forward to many past issues wrapping up round about now. Heaven knows we’ve been squeezed enough. And it’d be just in time for some major, expected transitions. (3)

I think Werner Erhard was describing this situation when he advised us to ride the horse in the direction it’s going. Or not to drive the car by looking in the rear-view mirror. Or what Eckhart Tolle meant by getting present.


(1) See Leslie White, The Science of Culture: A Study of Man and Civilization. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1949 and Leslie A. White, The Evolution of Culture: The Development of Civilization to the Fall of Rome. New York, etc.: McGraw Hill, 1959.

(2) Described here: “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at

Keep in mind my contention that our spiritual experiences are overseen by the Divine Mother and her servants, the angelics. If this is the case, then I assume that probably everything about the vision, including its timing, was determined by my angelic guides.

(3) The Reval and the beginning of our work as financial stewards being one of them.