Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Radiance Emanates from your Heart Center | Alcazar Quotes

Radiance Emanates from Your Heart Center

There is a natural radiance that emanates from your heart center, and so we invite you this day to hold an awareness of this radiance that emanates quite naturally from the heart. A beautiful way to hold this focus is by feeling the breath moving through the heart like a gentle breeze from the beyond. Feel the breath moving through the heart. Feel the energizing that happens on the in breath. And feel the letting go, the soothing, the transmutation that can occur as you exhale. And so, in this relaxed awareness, the invitation is to stay connected to your inner self as you hear these comments, these words, these explanations. See if you can be listening, not just externally, but also listening for the inputs from your Superconscious self, listening to the energy behind the words.

– Prageet

Becoming Superconscious, Session 19 , March 2021