April 14, 2021
Folks, here's an update on what's going on in Canada. People returning from outside the country if found to be covid positive, are being put into internment camps. Tucker Carlson reports. Link below in description.
Folks, I believe, to some extent that you have to watch the Storm pundits. The reason why is so you keep abreast of the news, nothing more than that. The reason you have to watch the news is to see what the collective is manifesting so that you can help to change it. I said the other day that Doug Billings called out someone as a fascist, and I interpreted this as he was stating the Truth, not directing a hate bomb at this person. Maybe he was doing that, but I didn't see it that way.
We are all tasked with being responsible for this planet, so that means you have to know what's going on. You don't have to hate anybody, even the ones who are causing the problems, but you just have to know what's going on. That is part of being personally responsible for what we collectively create here. You run your own life, but you are also part of a collective and you have a responsibility to both. When you don't know what's going on, you can't exercise that responsibility.
There is a problem with our language, as Ivo keeps pointing out. Part of that problem is that when you call someone a Fascist, there is an assumption of hate being relayed with that description. We need to develop a language of description, which describes something rather than directs fear-or-hate based energy with it. Description is neutral. You're stating facts, not malicious opinions. I think that's what people who are PC are trying to do – to describe something rather than use words to direct lower frequency energies to that which they're addressing. For those reasons I suggest you watch the pundits, not to watch people struggle with duality consciousness while they try to awaken the “sheep” and hate on and laugh at the “bad guys”.
For those reasons, I still like Simon Parkes the best.
On with our video:
They call it “being able to see the forest before the trees.” “Putting the horse before the cart.” Gotta wonder what I was dreaming about last night because I woke up and turned on the computer to start typing this. LOL Maybe someone needs to hear this.
What I'm referring to is not being so blinded by your own needs that you can make a good call on the person who currently is your love interest. And this is definitely do as I say, not as I've done, because I made those mistakes.
After having been abused by parents or even bullied by school mates, so many of us can be blinded by the relief that, finally, we seem acceptable to somebody that we don't see who is doing the accepting.
So many of us are blinded by our fear of not being lovable that we'll take anybody there is, anyone who shows interest in us, because we're so afraid we're not good enough. We think at least somebody wants us.
I went through this. It marked my entire dating life. I was so relieved when someone showed interest in me because I thought I was so unacceptable, so unlovable, that I never thought to question who was showing interest in me. I set myself up for many a rude shock. This rude shock told me something every time: You love yourself. Maybe your parents didn't, but you do. Because I walked away every time. No, not good enough for me. I want better.
Suffice it to say, I was in for quite a few heavy life lessons. I had to learn that I was acceptable, that I was good enough not because my parents ever endowed me with that positive sense of self, but because I had to remember I had it through being treated as less than I was worth.
I had had a lifetime already of being rejected by critical, unloving parents that it pushed my boundaries way back, way way back, to make me a target for the meanest, most violent, or mentally unstable men. And again, I'm not picking on men. Women can be mean,violent and unstable as well. It's just that I dated men, not women.
I had to learn the life lessons of rejection and unlovability. My choices in partners people reacted to with curiousity. “What does she see in him?” I saw someone who wanted me. That was all. Someone who thought I was good enough for him. And that, of course, was often a want that fell short of my now humongous hunger to be loved. When I realized this person was just the same as the other people who couldn't love me because they too, were broken, I moved on.
I was trying to create what I knew from other planets on earth. And it didn't work.
Ivo: Indeed, my love, you were doing that. As a child you were encouraged when you saw that there were starships captains on the earth plane already – Captain Kirk I speak of particularly. Had you not viewed the science fiction of your youth, you might not have been so encouraged to believe that you could find me on earth, because it was me, your twin flame, that you were looking for all along.
Me: Damn that Captain Kirk! LOL
Ivo: He had other important messages to impart to humanity. There was mention of the Archons and how the Archons made happy unthinking robot-like dummies of the people on that planet. There was Gary Seven, the earthling who was taken to the stars and taught our ways of life, who came back to earth to help the people there. There were also messages of there being life in the galaxy that did not take human form, was of the nature of artificial intelligence and more. There was much truth in the episodes of this series, and it resonated within the subconscious of many on earth.
However, you did not really have any starship captains. Yes, you had a secret space fleet but nothing of exploration as the Enterprise was.
The message of the Klingons was also very applicable, because as you know, they represent the reptilian fleets we deal with in the galaxy.
My love, so many of you have experienced a lack in so many areas of your lives on earth. You experienced a lack of love, parental guidance, people who you can relate to and who understand you. So many of the essentials that your psychologists insist make for good mental health. Yet you did not have these things in your lives. So then you assume you are of poor mental health at times?
Are you? Are you really depressed or as anxious as you believe yourselves to be? Are you depressed and anxious because you did not get your needs met as a child, or perhaps because you have poor soul connection? Because when you are not as attached to an unconditionally loving soul, perhaps a master or perhaps not at master level, this would make for the incarnated human to feel depressed and anxious, because then you are at the mercy of your lower mind and your Matrix mind control.
When you understand that that is the source of your depression and anxiety, this lack of connection to soul, then you will feel better because your psychology would have you believe that you are irreparably crazy and that you need to go on medication in order to be controlled.
What you must do is to strengthen your connection to your soul, and this is accomplished by removing the lies that you are believing.
This is the problem. So simple, yet so true. You have, yet again, put another lie in between your higher self and yourself and have decided to believe this lie.
When the changes that will come to your earth are completely implemented, you will not recognize your humanity. What depresses you now is your belief in the lies. What makes you anxious now is belief in the lies that you are telling yourself. And because you believe these things, you manifest them. Now you will have another opportunity to face and to overcome your fears.
All life is mind over matter. And when you again, begin to believe what you see in front of you rather than what you know to be true through your divine connection, you will become depressed and anxious.
Me: What about me, Ivo, when it's not sunny, I get depressed again. My body is out of balance and in a bad state collectively.
Ivo: And I said, you are believing physical evidence over the power of the soul.
Me: I see.
Ivo: You are believing that your body is irreparably sick and that you cannot repair it. You have not undertaken to do so from a soul level. You understand that the energy of God is available to you for healing, yet you believe that changing your diet and detoxing are what will make you better. They will help, however the soul can heal all. When you continue to believe the lie that you are ill and that your soul cannot help you, you will remain ill.
Me: Hmm. Interesting. We do get a lot of externals thrown at us to keep us sick, though, Ivo. Like chemtrails and GMO'd foods.
Ivo: You do. Your soul can still repair your body nonetheless. It is whether you work with soul or not to accomplish this. Yes, minimizing as much exposure as possible would help reduce the work that is required, but soul will still heal you.
What is the sun, my love?
Me: Energy. The energy of God flowing through the central sun to our sun.
Ivo: And now already you are going to bed at 11 pm and rising still at 12 noon, but you went to bed earlier. Because you are out in the sun. The sun is healing you, not pills, not CBD oil. The sun is the most powerful healer because it is a connection to God. So is your soul, an energy connected to God.
When you believe that they can heal you, you will need no CBD oil or vitamin pills.
So often the evidence is given to you yet you miss the story.
Negative thinking is a poison to all humans. I will leave it at that, for you all to mull over. It is toxic to your mind, body and spirit.
Me: Thanks, Ivo!
Ivo: My love, change your thinking, change your life. When you focus on what is wrong with your life, or what you do not have, you will continue to manifest that rather than to focus on what is right with your life and what you do have. When you focus on the positive new avenues open up to you all.
Tucker Carlson video:
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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