Languishing in the Dreamscape | Tina Herzog

April 20, 2021

I was awakened quite early one morning, and I felt I was still in that sweet “in between space.” You know that space where you’re not fully in the higher realms anymore, but yet you’re not quite fully in this world either. And you know the sands of time are quickly falling to the bottom and the veil is quickly closing. Even still your guides bless you with a nearly intact dreamscape to help you on your journey. It was one of those mornings.

I languished as long as I could, savoring this dream, trying to commit all to memory. While I am always grateful for dream recall, I am especially thankful when the dream is not only relatable to the world’s current circumstances, but that I am filled with love and laughter, peace and prosperity, sun and serenity. Where you just sigh in the complete contentment of it all. In this dream, towards the end, I am scanning out. I see all those around me – all those around the world are feeling the same: an inner joy of knowing, an inner knowing of liberation is on the horizon, a freedom from tyranny, freedom from scarcity – in all its forms, and a freedom from fear.

I am taken by surprise by how much my personal dreams or wishes have changed since my awakening. Mostly by how much my wishes are not just mine or for me now. I see a much bigger picture, where even my individual dreams morph into a conclusion which encompasses the whole. And it seems this is how it begins. It’s as if the ancient ones are working their magic on those who surrender to this knowing of All That Is, and there - just beyond the bend is the opening to the next gate.

We are witnesses, holding space for the weary. We are the powerful alchemists, Gaia’s warriors, gods and goddesses growing in our strength and our knowing every day – for such a time as this. It was no mistake we were all called together to this historic time and place, and as I ponder this very tangible insight, I am in awe of the unlimited possibilities, for us as individuals and for that cohesive culmination as the One.

We are the dreamweavers and we hold every element sacred, for not one can fully function as designed without the others. I am sending this insight your way and my dream for you today is to be able to float here for a time and feel the shimmers, feel the light play on the water drops that dance in and out of your sacred heart. Know you are almost there. Can you feel it?

To my brothers and sisters: I love you and I am holding space for your movement, your growing strength, your dance inside the higher vibrational realms. I honor your dreams, both individually and as a collective. And so it is.


p.s. I am awestruck again how the dreams chosen for this blog post just popped up! “Pick me, Pick me!” I couldn’t stop smiling.


Lived in a cottage. Had a beautiful flower and vegetable garden. All of nature worked almost symbiotically with me. It seemed like we could talk, telepathically. I wasn’t lonely because we had lively conversations! Beautiful vibrant colors of flowers and land. Peaceful. No fears. Nothing negative. Just joy.



Signs, synchronistic symbols coming fast now, telling of the shift, the Event. Not all can see, but many are gathering now to talk about what they do see. The moon, orange/red, with what looks to be the shape of a nuclear symbol, a single photon or a Maltese cross on its face. This was a symbol once used for good.

Other symbols started appearing on my skin, raised bumps in sacred geometry forms or lines/shapes. It’s as if it’s communication from the other dimensional realms. I can’t decipher! Plus, if I can’t find my phone, others have to take a picture, because after only a few minutes, the symbols fade slightly and morph into something totally innocuous, so no one can see what it was originally.

I went to the top of a hill to see the moon symbol. Many other people are there. As I look around, I can see the curious ones who still haven’t awakened from their illusion. Soon.

from Tina Herzog, Wild Indigo
Languishing in the Dreamscape | Tina Herzog Languishing in the Dreamscape | Tina Herzog Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 4/20/2021 11:29:00 PM Rating: 5

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