Saturday, April 3, 2021

Good Friday | Poem by Ananda

How Good is this Friday…it’s Awesome.

With death comes new life,
New understanding,
New permissions,
New allowances.
Forgiveness, in spirit and in truth
If Yeshua can forgive those who killed him
Love them, for they knew not what they did.
Who am I to cast judgement?
Who am I to love less?
Who is loveless?
How humbling a realization can be when you are
Seeing with heart.
Forever grateful of the mercy, kindness and love
You have shown us all.
A teaching that is as timeless as the wind,
As gentle as a dove
As loving a loving mother
Beholding forever, like a true brother
Endless love
Endless grace
May it wash upon your; our face
And open your/our heart
Blessing to all and a loving brand new start
To something grander
Something better
Something known but unseen
A graduation of the heart.
Where we join the Christ, now in Ascension
We know it’s happening; even now, why wait.
Why wait?
Why put the “Y” before our. It was his greatest teaching
There is no “your”. It’s ours…if we can understand
we never left it.
