By Steve Beckow, April 20, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I continue to be more interested in what’s happening in the inner world than in the outer. That will change with the first major event, I’m sure.
Who is the ‘I’ that’s paying attention? That’s the ever-present question that leads us all the way back to the One and the fulfillment of life.”
To find out – as far as I as a lightworker can without violating my service contract – I’ve returned to the awareness practice of “casting the question” – who am I?
I returned to it because, having been away from it for quite a while, I see it now with new eyes. And what I now see makes a difference in how I feel about the practice.
What’s changed is that I no longer expect an answer to my question. Before this I’d cast the question with anticipation and that meant that the mind was not still and quiet, which meant in turn that I could not expect a deep answer. I was defeating my purpose.
I now simply cast the question and let what occurs occur. The second part of the process – “it” occurring – doesn’t lie with me or my everyday consciousness – whatever else it may involve.
This “I” seems to be an ever-receding target. If “I” look at who the “I” is that’s looking, immediately a new “I” comes into being, looking at me looking at the “I.”
Moreover, if I look at the “I” doing the looking, I busy the very one I’m looking for. I keep it occupied. It isn’t open to be experienced. “Sorry, I’m busy looking for myself.”
The whole process seems to involve casting the question, being with what results, observing, and releasing That seems to result in the “I” more and more unconcealing itself.
I can only say that I feel more inspired to follow this focus of attention than I do to continue following any of the much-awaited events in the outer world. When they come is probably not far off but anyone’s guess. I feel ready when they do. But the daily watch for them has more or less lost its appeal for me.
Given that the purpose of life is to know our true identity, I can’t think of any activity to do while waiting for Godot, one that more accords with life’s purpose, than asking “who am I?”